




1.衿 襟 jin pusi 妗 jin ...

2.襟... ... 宰相 push pusi 襻 pusr ...

3.一点 PURI 清洁 PUSI 一点 PUTA 想 ...

4.五笔 [襟怀] jīn huái 五笔 PUSI 襟 jīn ...

5.襟兄 ga la | ga la | mmmm vjf jvb 山旮旯(山沟) jin | jin | pusi 襟兄(对妻姊之夫的称呼) ji | ji | ntfc 踩屐(溜旱冰) ...


1.Pusi goes into the eye tree slowly. The tree trembles, a pair of eyes falls down.普西摸到树下,树颤抖,一双眼睛落下。

2.(Full scene) The angel pulls Pusi to behind of the tree, protect her with wings. Two monster, one is Blleson, is fighting.(全景)天使拉着普西躲在树后,用翅膀将她护住,两只怪兽的对峙,镜头向下移到它们打斗的影子。

3.Now, I will also be painting on behalf of Wei Pusi presented in Echizen couples!现在,我也将代表维普斯将这幅作品赠送于越前夫妇!

4.Blleson falls down. The eye tree become red for Blleson 's blood. Pusi's face with drop of Blleson's blood. Pusi's helpless eyes.布列松倒下,眼睛树吸食血液变成红色,普西在前景,脸上溅着鲜血,登着无助的眼睛。

5.Girl Pusi'face with closed eye.女孩普西闭着眼睛的脸。