




1.请告诉我 请告诉她约翰来过电话。 Please tell her John called. 请告诉我Please tell me. 请等等我。 Please wait for me. ...

2.麻烦你告诉我一下 ... 28. It’s my pleasure. 这是我应该做的。 29. Please tell me. 麻烦你告诉我一下。 31. Of course. 当然可 …

3.你一动身就请告诉我 The moment you leave, please tell me. 你一动身就请告诉我。 In case I'm late, start without me. 我来晚了,你们不必等 …

4.请你告诉我 ... 如果你正承受不幸 if you are sufuring 请你告诉我 please tell me 朋友啊朋友 Friend,oh my friend ...

5.请告诉我你的宠物长什么样 ... 10. 请告诉我你的宠物长什么样Please tell me . 7. 她眼睛睁得大大的,四处游动。 She with __________…

6.他告诉我 ... eg. She cheats me. 他骗我. ? eg. Please tell me. 他告诉我. eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。 2) ...

7.请告诉我好吗 ... So if I did something wrong 所以如果我做错了什麽事 Please tell me 请告诉我好吗 I wanna understand 我想要了解 ...

8.请告诉我去你家的路 ... 1.请告诉我去你家的路Please tell me _ your house. 3.我的叔叔经常打的去上班。 My uncle often _. ...


1.The child, in a hurry, asked softly, "Oh God, if I am about to leave now please tell me my angel's name! "小孩急促而温和地说:“哦,上帝,我要出发了,请您告诉我,我的天使叫什么名字。”

2.Please tell me if you are ready to help me so I can go on to pass the account information to you.精神请告诉我你是否愿意帮助我,让我可以继续通过账户信息给你。

3.Don't let me cry outside the door of your candy store. I'm not a man good for nothing, so please tell me what you want me to be.不要让我在你的糖果店门外哭泣。我不是一无是处的人,所以请告诉我你想要我成为什么样的人。

4.Please tell me you is not it a bit too comfortable? ?请告诉我阁下是不是觉得有点不太舒服呢???

5.Please tell me how much that would be and how to order.请告诉我买要多少钱,要如何订购?

6.There was an awkward moment in Times Square when he saw the Naked Cowboy and said, 'Please tell me you're not a Democratic Congressman.当他看到时代广场的赤裸牛仔时说:不要告诉我你是个民主党的议员。

7."Yes, even if it costs me my pfe, " said the dwarf. "Will you please tell me how the spell can be broken? "侏儒说:『是的,甚至是牺牲我的性命也在所不惜。你能告诉我如何才能破除咒语吗?』

8.Please tell me what you know about this company.请给我说说你对本公司的了解。

9."What father got angry says" I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you earn for an hour?父亲生气的说着“我只是想知道,请告诉我,你一小时赚多少钱?”

10.If you have any reason, please tell me, i will psten to you patiently and try to work it out with you.有什么理由你说,妈妈耐心听,想办法解决,但去还是得去。