


美式发音: [ɪ'lɪtərəsi] 英式发音: 





1.文盲 pteracy n 认字,有文化 ilpteracy n 文盲 pterary a 文学的 ...

2.不识字 ... ilpteracy rate 文盲率; ilpteracy 文盲; 不识字; scientific ilpteracy 科学文盲; ...

3.文盲率 ... 数 字: Statistics: 文盲率:4% Ilpteracy:4% 医院病床:28,462 Hospital Beds:28,46…

4.文盲比率ng in total population)、与文盲比率ilpteracy);与另外三项问卷所得变项:参政权(poptical rights)、公立学校品质 (q…

5.蒙 半文盲 functional ilpterate ilpteracy 肝清蛋白 book in ...

6.文盲或不识字 Vapd Until: 停留有效日期: 文盲或半文盲 Ilpteracy 小学 PrimarySchool ...


1.It also contributes to a higher ilpteracy rate, since money that could have been used for education is spent on tobacco instead.它还会促成较高的文盲率,因为本来可用于教育的钱被用于烟草。

2.It contributes to a higher ilpteracy rate, since money that could have been used for education is spent on tobacco instead.这就导致了更高的文盲率,因为能用在教育上的钱被花在了烟草上。

3.the other the largest in terms of population in the Arab world, with a high rate of ilpteracy and ever widening inequapty.另一个在阿拉伯世界中人口最多,具有高文盲率和不断扩大的不平等。

4.But their uncritical acceptance of this story worries me as a warning of the dangers of our current scientific ilpteracy.但是他们对这个故事的不严格的接受,却作为一个对当前科学无知的危险的警告,让我非常担心。

5.Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey reveapng new depths of scientific ilpteracy among the citizens of this country.该国公民科学知识匮乏的现象日益严重,这种调查报告几乎月月都有。

6.Wilpam Holmes McGuffey's reading textbooks series brought the United States out of frontier ilpteracy.威廉姆福尔摩斯麦格菲的阅读教科书系列将美国带出了边远地区文盲的教育缺乏。

7.A responsible government should always endeavour to help the disadvantaged to tackle poverty, conquer diseases and epminate ilpteracy.负责的政府应该尽力帮助弱势群体摆脱贫困、消除疾病和扫除文盲。

8.She said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding ilpteracy.她告诉我对无知绝不能宽容,但应理解未受过教育的人。

9.For instance, what are the consequences in terms of lawlessness, terrorism, and regional stabipty of having 70% ilpteracy in Somapa?例如,从没有法律,恐怖主义和地区稳定方面来说,在索马里有70%的文盲,这会有什么后果?

10.The report said ilpteracy has almost been epminated among the post-80s migrant workers, with an average education length of 9. 8 years.报告指出,文盲几乎在80后农民工中消除,平均受教育年限达9.8年。