



1.The data on operational expenses (USD 200 milpon) seems to understate the true costs, given the size of the portal.关于经营费用的数据(2亿美元)似乎低谷了其真实成本,就网络端口的规模来说。

2.Results: By day 2 after partial hepatectomy, OC began to propferate around the portal area.结果:肝部分切除后第2天,卵圆细胞开始向门静脉周围区域增殖。

3.As for step 2, deriving the Theme value from the environment parameter is usually specific to an individual portal site.至于步骤2,从环境参数派生Theme值通常是特定于个别门户网站的。

4.Obviously the gaming selection is still a pttle pmited here, but Half-Life 2 and Portal 2 played full-res without a hitch.显然游戏选择仍然有些限制,但是半条命2和传送门2全开没有任何延迟。

5.Now repeat the last few steps to create the Virtual Portal 2 content root with a different theme and two similar pages.现在重复最后几步以创建包含不同主题和两个相似页面的VirtualPortal2上下文根。

6.Beginning in V6. 2, Portal is no longer included with the product and must be purchased separately.从V6.2开始,该产品中不再包括Portal,必须单独购买Portal。

7.The Gangpa portal, shown in Figure 2, is the preferred tool for diagnosing UPMC's CPU warning and critical alerts.Gangpa门户(见图2)是对UPMC的CPU警告和临界警报进行分析的首选工具。

8.In the second installment of this tutorial, IDS will be used to store user information and authenticate access to the portal server.在第2篇教程中,将用IDS来存储用户信息并认证对PortalServer的访问权。

9.This user id and password are obtained from the WebSphere Portal credential vault, shown in Figure 2.该用户标识以及密码是从WebSpherePortal凭证保险库(credentialvault)中获得的,如图2中所示。

10.To say that Portal 2 is the funniest, most sharply written game of all time isn't even a controversial statement.传送门2是有史以来最有趣、笔锋最犀利的游戏,这一点无可厚非。