

power point

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复数:power points  同义词




n.1.an electrical outlet

1.简报的简报Powerpoint)以简介申请活动,供评审小组考虑。简报内容须包含活动内容简介、在推动青年发展上的预期成效、活 …

2.幻灯片幻灯片powerpoint)如何添加背景音乐及路径设置问题#--最新日志,群博日志--> #--推荐日志--> #--引用记录--> #--博主推荐- …

3.演示文稿年演示文稿PowerPoint) 3、2005-2009 年演示文稿(PowerPoint)应用试题 20053.1(05 下 A 套)用 PowerPoint 创意制 …

4.投影片17 投影片Powerpoint)的制作技巧 1、好的投影片来自好的原稿; 2、Keep it Simple & Smart; 3、字体大(不宜小于0.7cm …


6.简报软体微软简报软体(PowerPoint )的投影片. 其他电脑软体. 缩写表 Accordance Roy Brown, The Gramcord Institute BBG Basics of Bib…

7.演示软件二、利用文稿演示软件(如Powerpoint)将学校“自评报告”改成幻灯演示文稿,具体要求如下:(50分)1.文稿长度不少于6页 …

8.多媒体课件自制多媒体课件PowerPoint);实物投影仪(A projector);录音机(A tape recorder) 六.课时安排: 第一课时教学过程:Perio…


1.He began each session with a series of PowerPoint spdes, defined the president's options and constantly jotted down requests on notecards.每次会议开始,他都用一系列的PowerPoint演示文档作为开场,让总统做出选择,并经常在记事卡片上草草记下总统的要求。

2."I even had a [PowerPoint] deck that was super supportive of it, " he said.他说:“我甚至用一个ppt来显示我支持的态度。”

3.Notably, she found that it was advantageous to be in charge of the PowerPoint presentation for a strategy meeting.值得注意的是,她发现为一场战略会议负责制作演示文稿是一件很有优势的事情。

4.Answer: If you have five hours a week to work on your business outside of your day job, save your PowerPoint skills for the office.回答:如果在你的日常工作之外,你每周有5个小时从事你的业务,你还是把PowerPoint技巧留给办公室吧。

5.When he first met with prospective cpents, he never used PowerPoint presentations nor prepared brochures to leave behind after he left.当他第一次见客户的时候,他既没有使用PPT做演示,也没有准备产品手册留给客户。

6.He is pke an Old Testament prophet amped up with PowerPoint and an army of the world's scientists at his disposal.他就象一位旧约的先知,不过全世界的科学家都站在他这一边。

7.Note that if you are modifying a template that came with PowerPoint, it gets saved as a new template and you should give it a new name.请注意,如果您要修改PowerPoint附带的模板,该模板将另存为新模板,并且您需要为其指定新名称。

8.The ActiveX control, called Shockwave Flash Object, must be "registered" on your computer for you to play the Flash file within PowerPoint.要在PowerPoint中播放Flash文件,必须将名为“ShockwaveFlashObject”的ActiveX控件“注册”到您的计算机上。

9.The Word document content is generated from a PowerPoint presentation that you select, using a wizard.通过使用向导,可以从所选的PowerPoint演示文稿生成Word文档内容。

10.Indeed, she discovered that the whole work process had come to be seen in terms of PowerPoint.实际上,她也发现就演示文稿而言,可以看见整个工作流程。