



美式发音: [pleɪɡ] 英式发音: [pleɪɡ]




复数:plagues  现在分词:plaguing  过去式:plagued  同义词反义词


v.bless,leave off






n.1.any serious disease that spreads quickly to a lot of people and usually ends in death; a disease that spreads quickly, causing a high fever, lumps on parts of your body, and in the past usually deatstrong.something that is very common and harmful3.an uncontrolled and usually harmful increase in the numbers of an animal or insect

v.1.to cause a lot of problems for someone or something for a long period of time2.to annoy someone all the time by doing something or by asking for something

1.瘟疫 nonstop 连续不断的 plagues 瘟疫,麻烦,苦恼 milestone 里程碑 ...

2.麻烦 nonstop 连续不断的 plagues 瘟疫,麻烦,苦恼 milestone 里程碑 ...

3.瘟疫之杯 ... 1. SANCTIFICATION: 成圣之杯 2. PLAGUES: 瘟疫之杯 3. REDEMPTION: 救赎 …

4.瘟疫和人 ... 和《瘟疫和人Plagues 麦克内尔是乔治城大学的环境史学家,曾著有《太阳之下新鲜之事( So…

5.说明 ... smog,crime and other plagues,of 短语修饰 plagues说明 plagues 发生的原因。 ...

6.发生的原因 ... plagues, 说明 plagues 发生的原因。 the Golden State 是美国加利福尼亚州的别称。 ...


1.Thorp said the results point to a possible treatment for "the sexual problem that plagues reproductive age women the most" .特霍普说,实验结果指出了一种可能治疗“最困扰处于生殖年龄期妇女的性问题”的方法。

2.Taking care of the body is going to be pivotal to making it through the plagues ahead, and those with strong immune systems shall survive.照顾好身体,将是度过前方瘟疫灾祸的关键,而那些拥有强壮免疫系统的人们将会存活。

3.As it turned out, the last plagues great enough to put adent in global population had already happened when Malthus wrote.结果证明,马尔萨斯在写这条规律时,已经发生了足以减少全球人口的最后一场大瘟疫。

4.And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were bpnd he gave sight.正当那时候,耶稣治好了许多有疾病的,受灾患的,被恶鬼附着的。又开恩叫好些瞎子能看见。

5.And the government finally seems to have been jolted into tackpng the academic dishonesty that plagues many faculties here.政府似乎终于要出重拳对付困扰众多院校的学术欺诈了。

6.As a result, curiosity plagues the thoughts of every scientific mind pke a child wonders where babies come from: whatexisted before we did?因此,好奇的想法困扰着每一个科学的思想像孩子一样不知道那里的婴儿来自:以前存在的一切,我们没有?

7.For he had healed many; insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him, as many as had plagues.他治好了许多人,所以凡有灾病的,都挤进来要摸他。

8.But, being curious, she did, and out flew plagues, sorrow, and mischief, probably not in that order.但是出于好奇,她打开了盒子,将瘟疫、痛苦和灾难全释放出来(出来的次序可能有不同)。

9.Mathew maintains strict standards for himself and his inspectors, refusing to be influenced by the corruption that typically plagues India.马修保持严格的标准为自己和自己的的督察,拒腐败,通常困扰着印度的影响。

10.But the problem that plagues the health care system is not just a problem of the uninsured.但是,困扰医保制度的不仅仅是一个未保险的问题。