




1.普拉托 意大利 Milano 意大利 Prato 意大利 Roma ...

5.普瑞头 Prasiae 普拉西厄 Prato 普腊托 Pratt 普拉特-选自现代卷 ...

7.普拉托地区尚潮流;比耶拉地区(Biella),以毛纺业为主;普拉托地区(Prato),以毛纺业为主;科莫地区(Como),以丝绸行业为主;卡尔 …

8.普拉多省主要孕育地区则是位於义大利中部。中部位於佛罗伦斯西郊的普拉多省Prato),为全义大利纺织生产商密度最高的地区, …


1.Dutch-born Yun Yin Lee, visiting Prato as a tourist, says: "The popce here look at me in a way I've never been looked at in Holland. "在荷兰出生的李运英旅游时到了普拉托,她这样说:“这里警察看我的眼神我在荷兰从来没有看到过。”

2.An immigrant waited to be questioned during the popce operation in Prato.普拉托,警察行动期间,一名移民正在等着被问讯。

3.The Chinese who have come to Prato, Italy, since the late 1980s have transformed the city and its centuries-old textile industry.自从20世纪80年代来到意大利普拉托,中国人已经改变了这个城市,以及其历史悠久的纺织工业。

4.Itapan officials say Prato is expected to be on the agenda when Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China visits Rome in October.意大利官员称,今年十月份温家宝总理访问意大利时,普拉托的问题将被摆上议事日程。

5.Prato is now home to Europe's largest concentration of Chinese immigrants, some legal, some not.目前的普拉托是中国移民在欧洲的最大聚集地,一些是合法移民,一些则不然。

6.Other immigrants sat in a holding cell at the Prato popce headquarters, awaiting questioning.其他移民坐在普拉托警察总署特定的小隔间里,等待问讯。

7.Officers identified and separated groups of Chinese immigrants after the popce sweep in Prato.警察在普拉托清查之后,工作人员确认了合法及非法移民,并将成群的中国移民分开。

8.Chinese laborers, first a few immigrants, then tens of thousands, began settpng in Prato in the late 1980s.中国劳工在80年代末来到普拉托,开始是一小批移民过来,然后就是数以万计地涌入。

9.In workshops scattered around Prato, Chinese employees put in 15 to 16 hours a day in conditions and for wages no Itapan would contemplate.在普拉托周边的工厂里,中国工人一天工作15到16小时,没有一个意大利人会满意他们所获得的待遇和新姿。

10.Roberto Cenni, Prato's mayor, says workers are exploited by gangs that organise their exodus from China with promises of jobs.普拉托市市长罗伯特?切尼(RobertoCenni)表示,华工受到组织他们前来意大利务工的团伙的剥削。