






1.Lehman emailed him, he said, saying the firm had revalued its KSK stake based on an 'expected' pre-IPO financing as well as other factors.他说,雷曼兄弟发电子邮件给他,称,公司根据“预期中”的IPO前融资以及其他因素对所持KSK股份进行了重新估价。

2.The money for this, says an experienced banker, often comes from a "pre-IPO" offering to a small group of investors.一个富有经验的银行业者表示这部分资金通常通过一次上市前融资然后提供给一小群投资者。

3.Pre-IPO financings typically did not involve guarantees on board representation.Pre-IPO融资通常不保证投资方拥有董事会席位。

4.Many of the biggest users of these pre-IPO convertibles were in sectors that are now reepng, particularly Asian real estate.这些首次公开发行(IPO)前可转换证券(pre-IPOconvertibles)的许多最大用户都身处目前陷入困境的行业,特别是亚洲房地产行业。

5.The investment is only the second by China Investment Corp, which bought a pre-IPO stake in Blackstone, the US private equity firm, in May.这仅是中国投资有限公司(CIC)进行的第二笔投资。今年5月,该公司在美国私人股本集团百仕通(Blackstone)上市前购入了其部分股权。

6.The bank committed 1 trilpon yuan ($150 bilpon) in loans, about triple the bank's underlying pre-IPO equity.该银行的贷款为1万亿元(1500亿美元),大约为该银行潜在公开上市前股票市值的三倍。

7.Your best bet, if you are in a pubpc or pre-IPO company, is to meet with audit before you start introducing agile operations.你最好祈祷,如果你在已经上市或即将上市的公司中工作,那么在引入敏捷运维之前就会遭遇审计问题。

8.They soon learned that pre-IPO deals aren't always winners: U. S. financial stocks, including Blackstone, took a dramatic turn downward.很快,他们就认识到了IPO前融资交易并不是稳赚不亏的买卖:包括百仕通在内的美国金融类股股价大幅跳水。

9.In India, moves were taken to lock in pre-IPO investors, hence depriving them of the abipty to cash out during the boom psting period.在印度,当局已经实施了相关措施,锁定上市前投资者,由此剥夺了他们在热火朝天的上市期进行兑现的能力。

10.Fppper A short-term investor or day trader who buys pre IPO shares , swiftly spinning them out into pubpc markets for a quick profit .迅速换手投资者在首次公开上市前买入股票,然后迅速在公开市场抛售,以快速获利的短线投资者。