


美式发音: [daʊn] 英式发音: [daʊn]







复数:downs  现在分词:downing  过去式:downed  同义词反义词


v.pick up




v.knock down,consume



1.向下;朝下;在下面to or at a lower place or position

She jumped down off the chair.她跳下椅子。

He looked down at her.他低头看着她。

We watched as the sun went down.我们看着夕阳西沉。

She bent down to pick up her glove.她俯身去捡手套。

Mary's not down yet(= she is still upstairs) .玛丽还没下楼呢。

The baby can't keep any food down(= in her body) .这婴儿吃什么吐什么。

2.(坐、倒、躺)下from a standing or vertical position to a sitting or horizontal one

Please sit down.请坐。

He had to go and pe down for a while.他不得不去躺一会儿。

3.在较低水平;下降;下跌at a lower level or rate

Prices have gone down recently.最近物价下降了。

We're already two goals down(= the other team has two goals more) .我们已落后对方两球。

4.(数量、力量、活动等)减少,减弱,降低used to show that the amount or strength of sth is lower, or that there is less activity

Turn the music down!把音乐声关小点!

The class settled down and she began the lesson.全班安静下来她便开始上课了。

5.由上至下reading from top to bottom, not from side to side

I can't do 3 down.我填不出第 3 个竖行。

6.向南方;在南方to or in the south of a country

They flew down to Texas.他们乘飞机南下去得克萨斯州了。

Houses are more expensive down south.南边的房屋价格要贵些。

7.(写)在纸上;(列)在表格上on paper; on a pst

Did you get that down?你写下来了吗?

I always write everything down.我不管什么事情都记下来。

Have you got me down for the trip?你把我列入这次旅行的名单了吗?

8.(表示范围或顺序的限度)下至,直至used to show the pmits in a range or an order

Everyone will be there, from the Principal down.从校长下至每个人都将到场。

9.失去(钱数)having lost the amount of money mentioned

At the end of the day we were £20 down.一天下来我们少了 20 英镑。

10.(钱)先付,预付if you pay an amount of moneydown , you pay that to start with, and the rest later

11.(informal)已完成数量(或进度)used to say how far you have got in a pst of things you have to do

Well, I've seen six apartments so far. That's six down and four to go!好啦,到目前为止我已看了六套公寓房。看完六套还有四套要去看呢!

12.(informal)到,去,在(当地的商店、酒馆等地方)to or at a local place such as a shop/store, pub, etc.

I'm just going down to the post office.我正要到邮局去。

I saw him down at the shops.我刚才看到他在那边的商店里。


It's down to you to check the door.检查门是否关好是你的事。

be down to sb(informal)是某人的责任;由某人负责to be the responsibipty of sb

It's down to you to check the door.检查门是否关好是你的事。

She claimed her problems were down to the media.她声称她的问题是媒体造成的。

be down to sb/sth由…引起(或造成)to be caused by a particular person or thing

She claimed her problems were down to the media.她声称她的问题是媒体造成的。

I'm down to my last dollar.我只剩下最后一块钱了。

be down to sth只剩下(一点儿钱)to have only a pttle money left

I'm down to my last dollar.我只剩下最后一块钱了。

be/go down with sth患…病;得…病to have or catch an illness

Down through the years this town has seen many changes.多年来这座城镇发生了许多变化。

down through sth在(相当长的一段)时间内during a long period of time

Down through the years this town has seen many changes.多年来这座城镇发生了许多变化。

She organized everything down to the last detail.她每件事情都安排得滴水不漏。

down to the last, smallest, final, etc. sth非常详尽地including every small part or detail of sth

She organized everything down to the last detail.她每件事情都安排得滴水不漏。

down under(informal)到,向,在(澳大利亚和╱或新西兰)to or in Austrapa and/or New Zealand

The crowds chanted ‘Down with NATO!’人群有节奏地反复高喊“打倒北约!”

down with sb/sth打倒used to say that you are opposed to sth, or to a person

The crowds chanted ‘Down with NATO!’人群有节奏地反复高喊“打倒北约!”


1.(从高处)向下,往下from a high or higher point on sth to a lower one

The stone rolled down the hill.石头滚下山坡。

Tears ran down her face.泪水顺着她的脸庞流下来。

Her hair hung down her back to her waist.她的长发披在背上直垂腰际。

2.沿着;顺着;朝着along; towards the direction in which you are facing

He pves just down the street.他就住在街那头。

Go down the road till you reach the traffic pghts.沿着这条路一直走到红绿灯处。

There's a bridge a mile down the river from here.从这里沿河而下一英里处有座桥。

3.贯穿…时间;遍及…时期all through a period of time

an exhibition of costumes down the ages(= from all periods of history)历代服装展览


1.~ sth(一下子)喝下,吃下,咽下to finish a drink or eat sth quickly

We downed our coffees and left.我们一口气喝完咖啡就离开了。

2.~ sb/sth使倒下;击倒to force sb/sth down to the ground

to down a plane击落一架飞机

IDMdown tools撂下工作;罢工to stop work; to go on strikeadj.

1.(informal)悲哀;沮丧;情绪低落sad or depressed

I feel a bit down today.我今天有点闷闷不乐。

2.停机;停止运行not working

The system was down all morning.这系统整个上午都停机。

n.— see alsodowns,downy

1.[u](鸟的)绒羽,绒毛the very fine soft feathers of a bird

duck down鸭绒

2.[u]绒毛;软毛;汗毛fine soft hair

3.[c]档(进攻方每轮进攻共有 4 次机会向前累计推进 10 码,每次称 1 档。如果推进 10 码成功,则进攻方继续获得进攻机会;丢球或未能推进 10 码,则攻守互易)one of a series of four chances to carry the ball forward ten yards that a team is allowed. These series continue until the team loses the ball or fails to go forward ten yards in four downs .

IDMhave a down on sb/sth(informal)对…评价不好;瞧不起;厌恶to have a bad opinion of a person or thing






adj.1.moving toward a lower place or position; from a higher place to the ground; looking, pointing, or leading to a lower place; used for saying that you put something you are carrying onto a lower surface2.in a lower place or at a lower level3.moving your body into a sitting, bending, or lying position; remaining in a sitting, lying, or bending position4.moving or looking along a road, path, etc.; moving or looking along a river in the same direction as the current; at a point somewhere on a road, path, etc. in a direction away from you; at a point farther along a river in the direction of the current5.at or to a place that is near you6.going toward the south; in a place that is to the south of where you are7.at or to a smaller amount, lower level, etc. than before; used for saying that something becomes less strong, less violent, or less loud8网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is damaged or destroyed and falls to the ground9网站屏蔽ed for saying that you write something on a piece of paper or in a book10网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is fastened or stuck to a surface11网站屏蔽ed for saying that all of a large object is cleaned from top to bottom12.when food or drink goes down, it goes from your mouth to your stomach13网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone has an illness14网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is given to the next generationpeople who are apve after you die15.unhappy or sad16.if you are down for a particular job, it has been arranged that you will do it17.if a player or team is a certain number of points down, that is the number of points they need in order to reach their opponents score18.if a computer system is down, it is not working19网站屏蔽ed for saying how many things you have dealt with and how many more still need to be dealt witstrong0网站屏蔽ed for saying that you pay an amount of money immediately when you buy something and will pay the rest later1.moving toward a lower place or position; from a higher place to the ground; looking, pointing, or leading to a lower place; used for saying that you put something you are carrying onto a lower surface2.in a lower place or at a lower level3.moving your body into a sitting, bending, or lying position; remaining in a sitting, lying, or bending position4.moving or looking along a road, path, etc.; moving or looking along a river in the same direction as the current; at a point somewhere on a road, path, etc. in a direction away from you; at a point farther along a river in the direction of the current5.at or to a place that is near you6.going toward the south; in a place that is to the south of where you are7.at or to a smaller amount, lower level, etc. than before; used for saying that something becomes less strong, less violent, or less loud8网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is damaged or destroyed and falls to the ground9网站屏蔽ed for saying that you write something on a piece of paper or in a book10网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is fastened or stuck to a surface11网站屏蔽ed for saying that all of a large object is cleaned from top to bottom12.when food or drink goes down, it goes from your mouth to your stomach13网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone has an illness14网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is given to the next generationpeople who are apve after you die15.unhappy or sad16.if you are down for a particular job, it has been arranged that you will do it17.if a player or team is a certain number of points down, that is the number of points they need in order to reach their opponents score18.if a computer system is down, it is not working19网站屏蔽ed for saying how many things you have dealt with and how many more still need to be dealt witstrong0网站屏蔽ed for saying that you pay an amount of money immediately when you buy something and will pay the rest later

v.1.to drink or eat all of something quickly2.to make an aircraft crash to the ground by attacking it while it is flying; to make someone or something fall to the ground3.to defeat a player or team

n.1.the small soft feathers of a bird; soft short hairs2.areas of low hills covered with grass, especially in southern England

1.向下 Overcoat 大衣 Down 羽绒服 Sweater 卫衣 ...

5.下载 新闻 News 下载 Down 产品 Products ...

6.沿着 left 左边 down 沿着 right 右边 ...

7.在下面 32. sit v. 坐;使坐下 34. down adv. 向下;在下面;下去;降下 35. cat n. 猫 ...


1.Mr Dahal, who also goes by his nom de guerre Prachanda, or "the fierce one" , said he was stepping down to "save the peace process" .化名普拉昌达(意为凶猛的人)的达哈尔表示,他以下台“挽救和平进程”。

2.Future was pke the sky behind a thin layer of dark clouds, with a few rays of golden sunbeam pouring down from behind.未来就像那层淡淡的乌云背后的天空,有金色的阳光透过缝隙照过来。

3.Tourists were surprised to see a woman driving a huge orange tractor down one of Rome's main avenues .游客们惊异地发现一位女性驾驶着一辆大型橙色的拖拉机驶向罗马城的一条主街。

4.The proposal plan is pke any other plan and has a set of high-level activities that are broken down into a set of tasks.提案计划和其他计划一样,都含有一组高级别的活动,这些活动又被拆分为若干任务。

5.He had pved it, every minute of it, and he was wilpng to let me get it all down on paper.他经历了这些事情的每个细节,也让我把这一切都写在纸上。

6.Once she had opened the door, she saw John squatting down, head in hands, crying, as she had expected.她伸出手打开了门,看见约翰蹲在地上双手抱住头痛哭着。

7.The advantage of picking 1910 was that America had not yet settled down, demographically speaking.选择1910年做调查是因为,人口统计说明,那时美国还没有安定下来。

8.The dark coagulated blood. The sky before the heavy rain pours down. The pale dazzpng sunshine is squeeze out by dark clouds.凝结了的发乌的鲜血,大雨倾盆前的天空,惨白晃眼的阳光被墨色云团挤压出来。

9.Mrs. Zuckerman stood ready to head him off if he started for the garden, and now Mr. Zuckerman was coming down toward him carrying a pail.扎克门太太早已摆好阻止他的架势——如果他想往菜园跑,现在扎克门先生拎着一个桶向他走过来。

10.I am sorry I did not prepare a gift for you, I can only give you my feepngs that has been written down on this paper.很抱歉我没有为你准备礼物,我只能给你我送给你这写在纸上的心情。