




1.优势流 03.160 优先流 preferential flow 03.161 毛管水活动带 zone of capillary flow ...


1.Preferential flow, infiltrated flow and rainfall were measured by an automatic flowmeter.采用自记流量计测量了优先流、渗流和降雨过程。

2.Results suggested that macropore formed by earthworm induced a great preferential flow and enhanced the vertical transport of heavy metals.结果表明,蚯蚓活动形成的蚯蚓孔能够产生明显的优势流现象,这种优势流极大地加快了重金属离子在土柱中垂直向下迁移的速度。

3.Water flowing in macropores is called pipe flow, and it is one kind of preferential flow.大孔隙中运动的水流称为管流,管流是优先流的一种形式。

4.The process of preferential flow was recorded by an automatic flowmeter. The process of rainfall was recorded at the same time.采用自记流量计记录了优先流过程,同时对降雨过程进行测定。

5.The results showed that the influence of rainfall on preferential flow was obvious.分析结果表明,降雨对优先流的制约关系十分明显。

6.Soil water in these macropores is named preferential flow, which flows very quickly, not following Darcy Law.这些大孔隙中的土壤水分以非遵从达西定律的形式快速运动,即所谓的优先流。

7.cm. The soil in this layer contains many coarse particles, which is benefit to form "preferential flow paths" .该范围内含有较多粗颗粒物质,有利于“优先路径”的形成。

8.Determination of Preferential Flow in Precipitation Infiltration Recharge降水入渗补给过程中优先流的确定

9.Preferential flow and its scientific significance优先流问题研究及其科学意义

10.A study on soil preferential flow under three vegetations in the upper reach of Minjiang River by brilpant blue dye tracer岷江上游三种典型植被下土壤优势流现象的染色法研究