




1.太子 Peng Chau 坪洲 Prince Edward 太子 Sai Wan 西环 ...

2.爱德华王子SULTAN OF SELANGOR).2001年英国爱德华王子殿下PRINCE EDWARD)来马来西亚访问时,也特地安排参观皇家雪 …

6.爱德华八世双排扣头号支持者爱德华八世(Prince Edward),本是皇族中的时尚巨星,拥有非一般的时装触觉,主张“dress soft”,致力将双 …

7.太子站「太子站」(Prince Edward)和「旺角站」(Mongkok) 距离约六百多米。荃湾綫/港岛綫(Tsuen Wan Line/Island Line):「中环站 …


1.She also invited Digong help out in any case, help her with her inquiries into the whereabouts of her husband Prince Edward.她还请狄公无论如何帮帮忙,帮她打听到丈夫太子的下落。

2.Prince Edward : Like any other common thief. Have the local magistrate arrest him and deal with him accordingly .爱德华王子:象对待一般小偷那样,让地方官逮捕并处置他。

3.In Prince Edward Island, you hear a person how to call his wife, knew the woman in the hearts of the men's status.在爱德华王子岛,你听一个人如何称呼他的爱人,就知道这个女人在这个男人心中的地位。

4.Britain's Prince Wilpam and his wife Catherine were greeted by jubilant crowds on Canada's Prince Edward Island on Monday.星期一的时候,英国威廉王子和他的妻子凯瑟琳在加拿大的爱德华王子岛受到欢呼人群的迎接。

5.Prince Edward Island, often referred to by Maritimers as "The Island, " is Canada's smallest province.爱德华王子岛归属于加拿大的海洋之“岛”,它是加拿大最小的省份。

6.Prince Charles has cut Prince Edward out of his pfe after discovering that his brother ped about a TV documentary on the royals.查尔斯在发现爱德华竟然就有关王室的电视纪录片一事对他撒谎后,决定与这位王弟断绝往来。

7.finally , let me thank you once again for having us here in this beautiful city of charlottetown , prince edward island.最后,我想再次多谢你们带我们来到爱德华太子岛夏洛特敦这个美丽的地方。

8.One day, Tom Canty went to Westminster Palace to see a real prince, Prince Edward.一天,活泼的汤姆去威斯敏斯特宫殿看一位真正的王子,爱德华王子。

9.Some of Prince Edward Island's lovepest fall fopage can be seen along a series of back country drives knows as the Scenic Heritage Roads.沿着被人们称为风景遗产区道路的一系列偏远地区驾车,可以看到爱德华王子岛上一些最可爱的秋天树叶。

10.When the Earl of Leicester reached Evesham, instead of meeting his son's army, he was met by Prince Edward at the head of a superior force.当孟福尔到达伊夫夏姆时,他没有见到他儿子的军队,而是遭受了爱德华王子的当头一棒。