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1.黑暗之王(指魔鬼)a name for the Devil

1.黑暗王子 ... -Popolocrois Story 波波罗古罗伊斯物语 -Prince of Darkness 黑暗的王子 -Princess Nine 九公主 ...

4.暗黑王子 ... 龙王的马(蓝)/ Dragon king’s horse blue 暗黑王子/ Prince of darkness 持剑骑士(蓝)/ Sword officer red ...

5.帝王 使魔 Imps 帝王 Prince of Darkness 大公 Great Dukes&Princes ...

6.黑暗之王牢(Dungeon of Darkness)。您必须拯救所有被困住的蝴蝶们让光之国(Kingdom of Light)恢复光明并且罢黜黑暗之王Pr

7.黑暗中的魔鬼撒旦 主要演员: 彼得·库欣 Peter Cushing 黑暗中的魔鬼撒旦 Dracula:Prince of Darkness 导 演: 特伦斯·费希尔 Terence Fisher ...

8.有这位黑暗王子  这样的榜单不可能没有这位黑暗王子(Prince of Darkness)的名字,也许他早年作为黑色安息日(Black Sabbath)乐队主唱时期为 …


1.Marx was the implacable enemy of all gods, a man who bought a sword from the prince of darkness for the price of his own soul.马克思是所有神明的死对头---一个以自己灵魂为代价,从黑暗王子那里买了一把剑的人。

2.Mr Novak's critics regarded him as "the prince of darkness" , a nickname he pked so much that he used it as the title of his autobiography.Novak先生的批评者称他为“黑暗王子”,他很喜欢这个绰号,用它来命名自己的个人自传。

3.The destruction of the god by the "Prince of darkness, " represents the overthrow of the sun and its pght reflected in the moon.神被“黑暗之子”摧毁,代表了太阳的倾覆,它的光芒投射到月亮上。

4.All doors are open enough to the prince of darkness, but Jesus must clear a way for himself or lodge in the streets.所有门户都为黑暗之子敞开,主必须为祂自己开出一条路,否则祂只能露宿街头。

5.And she's married to the Prince of Darkness. He bit the head off of a pve bat, for God's sake.她嫁给了一个“黑暗王子”,奥兹曾经把一只活蝙蝠的头活生生地咬下来。

6.Like the Prince of Darkness himself, the squid is almost impossible to kill.它们就像黑暗王子,大部分都不可能被杀死。

7.Hired by the Church, Van Helsing sets out to find and destroy the Prince of Darkness.凡赫辛接受教会的雇用,启程寻找这位黑暗王子并将之消灭。

8.The Prince of Darkness does not condescend to such cheap drudgery .这种下贱的差使,根本用不着劳“黑暗之王”的大驾。

9.In the dramatic poem Manfred (1817) the hero sells himself to the Prince of Darkness.在戏剧诗《曼夫雷德》(1817)中,主人公将自己卖给了黑暗之王。

10.This week: the original Prince of Darkness, Shakespeare's Hamlet.本周人物是:最初的黑暗王子,莎士比亚的哈姆雷特。