




1.十五美元 ... A:Fifteen dollars. A:十五美元. B:Yes,here's the receipt. B:交过了,这是收据. ...


1.How much is thix blue skirt? Fifteen dollars.这件蓝色的短裙多少钱?十五美元。

2.The stoves are designed to have a pfetime of up to three years at a cost of about fifteen dollars.这个灶具的最常使用年限为3年,造价约15美元。

3.The subscription to the magazine is fifteen dollars a year.那种杂志每年订价十五元。

4.The penalty for speeding is a fine of fifteen dollars.超速行车的处罚是罚款15美元。

5.I forgot I had no money for the rent and only fifteen dollars in my purse and no job.我忘了还得交房租,忘了兜里只有15元钱,忘了自己还没有工作。

6.Little Mrs. Sommers one day found herself the unexpected owner of fifteen dollars.一天,身材娇小的萨默斯太太意外地捡到十五美元。

7.I had only fifteen dollars on me when the book I wanted cost twenty.我身上只带了十五元钱.可是我想买的那本书定价二十元。

8.A writing test -- which is not required -- adds thirty minutes and fifteen dollars.写作测试耗时30分钟,需15美元,但是是不要求的。

9.Cashier: A hundred and fifteen dollars, please.收银员:请付一百一十五美元。

10.might cost you anywhere from eight to fifteen dollars per rose!每朵要让你破费八到十五美元!