




1.奥罗拉公主 译名:两个爸爸 Two Fathers 译名:欧若拉公主 Princess Aurora 译名:一丝的纯情 Pure Love ...

3.奥罗娜公主 ... 芭蕾舞星当日演出名单 Main Casting: 奥罗娜公主 Princess Aurora 3/27 柯妮蔻娃 Anastasia Kolegova ...

4.奥萝拉公主【睡美人/Sleeping Beauty】故事中的爱洛公主(Princess Aurora)与菲力王子(Prince Philpp)出现在”Disney 23″杂志中,此款照 …

6.睡美人 ... 大力士 Meg 睡美人 Princess Aurora 毕业季大方送,王国币3倍送 Stationery Edifice ...

7.奥萝拉公主系列 ... 阿里 ariel 极光公主 princess aurora 白雪公主 snow white ...


1.Once upon a dream , gifted with grace and beauty , the lovely Princess Aurora provokes the jealousy of the wicked fairy Maleficent .在很久很久以前,一位美丽又善良的公主奥萝拉,受到恶毒女巫的妒忌,要加害于她。

2.Maleficent: Behold, King Stefan's castle, and in yonder topmost tower, dreaming of her true love, the Princess Aurora.看,斯蒂芬的城堡,在那边塔的顶端里,奥罗拉公主正在梦着她的真爱。

3.Princess Aurora. Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Stefan.奥罗拉公主,今晚,我们就带你回到斯蒂芬国王,你的父亲身边,

4.Princess Aurora is under a magic spell . She's following the green pght . She's in danger .爱洛公主被魔咒镇住了。她向绿光走去。她处在危险中。

5.Princess Aurora is under a magic spell. She follows the green pght.爱洛公主被魔咒镇住了。她向绿光走去。

6.Princess Aurora was born under the curse of the black evil witch cursed her 16-year-old birthday will be spinning needle dead.奥萝拉公主出生的时候受到了黑女巫邪恶的诅咒,诅咒她十六岁生日那天会被纺针刺死。

7.Long pve the princess Aurora!奥罗拉公主万岁

8.the Princess Aurora? Good heavens, we must tell Stefan.奥罗拉公主?天啊,我们一定要告诉斯蒂芬

9.Hail to the princess Aurora!向奥罗拉公主致意!

10.what did you learn today , princess aurora你今天学到什么了?奥罗拉公主