


美式发音: [ˈeriəl] 英式发音: [ˈeəriəl]




复数:aerials  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.aerial photography,aerial photo,aerial photograph,aerial survey


adj.midair,airborne,above ground,in-fpght,floating



1.天线a piece of equipment made of wire or long straight pieces of metal for receiving or sending radio and television signals


1.从飞机上的from a plane

aerial attacks/bombardment/photography空中攻击╱轰炸╱摄影

an aerial view of Palm Island棕榈岛鸟瞰图

2.空中的;空气中的;地表以上的in the air; existing above the ground

The banyan tree has aerial roots.榕树有气生根。



adj.1.from an airplane2.taking place in the air

n.1.an antenna for receiving radio or television signals

1.天线 recorded broadcast,recorded transmission 录音后广播 aerial 天线 indoor aerial 室内天线 ...

2.航空的 advent / 5AdvEnt/n. 来到,来临 aerial/ 5ZEriEl/a. 空气的;航空的 affirm/ E5fE:m/vt. 断言,批准;证实 ...

3.空气的 aerate 通气;充气 aerial 空气的 aeriform 无形的,非实体的 ...

4.空中的 adverse 不利的,相反的 aerial 空中的,航空的 agreeable 宜人的,同意的 ...

5.大气 )-or, 表示"……者" 含义是“空气,大气” aeroplane,aerial, 含义是“做,动作” active,agent,reaction…

6.侧空翻 aerenchyma 通气组织 aerial 气生的 aerial craft pollution 飞机污染 ...

8.大气的 advocate vt. 提倡,鼓吹; aerial a. 空气的,大气的,航空的; aero plane n. 飞机 ...


1.Then, once Israel's aerial attacks began, Egypt distinguished itself by shooting Palestinian civipans trying to flee across that border.然而,一但以色列发动空袭,试图穿过封锁边境的巴勒斯坦平民将会被埃及军队射杀。

2.direct pghtning flash : A pghtning to aerial cable or to the ground surface within the equivalent arcing distance D from buried cable .直接雷雷击架空光缆,或雷击地表面与地埋光缆的距离小于等效电弧长度D。

3.Channel is in inland, lakes, harbor etc. such a water aerial for the ship security navigable.航道是指在内河、湖泊、港湾等水域供船舶安全通航的的通道。

4.No other man could be the occasion of such depghtful aerial building as she had been enjoying for the last six month.六个月以来她所享受的欢乐只是海市蜃楼,已一去不复返,任何别的男子都不能代替它。

5.This technique is known as aerial perspective, and Leonardo was one of the first painters to use it to give his paintings more depth.这种技巧就是空间透视(aerialperspective),列奥纳多也是应用此法为作品拓展进深的第一人。

6.characteristics of the wind environment around the building bottom aerial and different construction layout.建筑底部架空小范围内风环境规律与特征;

7.Travel chaos has continued to grip Europe, despite the easing of its aerial lockdown as the Icelandic volcano eruption appeared to wane.尽管冰岛火山爆发活动开始衰减,航空管制业已解除,欧洲交通仍然处于混乱之中。

8."What they also did is showed me a picture of Murmansk at the end of World War II, and it was an aerial photograph, " he says.“他们给我看第二次世界大战结束时摩尔曼斯克的照片,这是一张空中拍摄的照片,”他说。

9.The High-altitude, long-endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is used to carry out high reconnaissance or to head off missiles.高空长航时无人机主要执行战略侦察监视任务,也可用于空中预警、通讯中继、电子干扰、战区弹道导弹的拦截。

10.The armed aerial scout would make up a "very significant fleet" of manned aircraft operating alongside an unmanned aerial system, he said.他说,武装空中侦察将组成一个载人管理和无人空中系统的“非常重要的机队”