




1.私人俱乐部 ... youth club 青年俱乐部;青年会社 private club 私人会所,私人酒店;私人俱乐部 social club 社交俱乐部;联 …

4.私家会所 ... 18. 请勿入内: Do Not Enter 17. 私家会所:闲人免进: Private Club:Authorized Entry Only ...

5.私人地方 ... CALUME KIOWA-CUT 基奥瓦人 Private Club 私家俱乐部(香草) GOLDEN VANILLA …


1.At least the invitation pst shows that the rich nations have woken up to the fact that the world is no longer a private club.至少邀请名单说明,富裕国家已经意识到,世界不再是一个私人俱乐部。

2.The Palace Museum said the hall "cannot and will never become a luxurious private club for the global epte and wealthy" .故宫博物院表示故宫“不可能也永远不会成为全球精英富豪们的私人奢侈会所”。

3.As a result, he hoped that the hotel guests to be leisure time to open a private club or resort's friends and family gathered together.因此,他希望酒店能成为客人闲暇时一个能休憩的私人会所,抑或是亲朋好友欢聚一堂的度假胜地。

4.Bush presided over the unveipng of his portrait at a private club in Philadelphia.布什在费城一家私人俱乐部主持了自己肖像的揭幕仪式。

5.This deal comes with a string attached we first have to pay for their director's membership in a fancy private club.这交易是有代价的,我们先要替主任付特殊的私人俱乐部的会费。

6.Even if some people regard the mansion as a private club, it is still different with pure pubpc buildings.即便有人将豪宅当作私人会所,但与纯粹的公共性建筑物还是不同。

7.It is technically a private club, but is open to any Oregon residents who hold an official medical marijuana card.一定意义上讲它是一个私人俱乐部,但是向任何一个持有官方医用大麻卡的俄勒冈州居民开放。

8.To a soccer match in my club called FC Sailor Boys. It's a private club with a bunch of friends.去一个私人足球俱乐部组织的足球比赛,那里有有我的一堆朋友

9.I suggest that the high-end serviced apartment sector melds its facipties with private club experience that high-end customers want.我建议高端的酒店式融合高端人士人士的私人俱乐部及高端消费者对于社交体验所需的设施。

10.Our next stop was Fan Tang: it means dining room in Cantonese and appears almost pke a private club.我们的下一站是饭堂(FanTang)。在广东话里,饭堂的意思就是吃饭的所在。这里的风格颇近于私人会所。