




1.保护好你自己吧 Defend yourself!( 保护好你自己吧!) Your pfe is mine!( 你的生命是我的了!) ...

2.保护自己 ... WUZ4_PB // ~z~Defend yourself! 保护自己! WUZ4_JF // ~z~Thank you for everything! 感谢你为我做的一切! ...

3.保卫自己 ... (4) 回首和平年代~ Back In Peaceful Times (5) 保卫自己 Defend Yourself (51) 银河冒险 II ...

4.自己亲自抵抗 ... 53. make fun of sb 取笑某人 54. defend yourself 自己亲自抵抗 55. dignity 自尊 ...


1.And yet here he is. And here we are. And here you are, still grasping at straws trying to defend yourself. Douche bag.可是他现在在执教湖人。我们现在在这里,你们也在,还一直抓着稻草为自己辩护。愚蠢的家伙。

2.Not to mention the fact that you could probably wield it pke a bat to defend yourself against intruders.有一个事实没有提到,那就是你可以像挥动短棍一样的挥动它来捍卫自己抵御入侵者。

3.You never know when you'll have to defend yourself against one of these bloodsuckers, so be prepared to bring a vampire to his knees.你不知道什么时候你会碰上个吸血鬼、所以做好准备,到时候就能打得他们满地找牙。

4.When you struggle against any kind of disturbance or defend yourself against any outer or inner threat, then you know you are conditioned.当你反抗任何扰乱或避免自己陷于内部或外部威胁的时候,你就会知道你是受限的。

5.Even if you had to do something bad to defend yourself, it is better to let it all out then to keep it in.即便你不得不做一些不好的事情来捍卫自己,全部说出来比放在心中更好。

6.You know, protect yourself, defend yourself. Never mind, you don't get it.你知道,护你自己,为你自己辩护。算了,你不明白。

7.The problem with becoming a world power is you need to be able to defend yourself against jealous aggressors .成为一个世界强国,问题是,你得有能力保护自己,免受猜忌的侵略者的攻击。

8.In turbulent times, isn't it cheaper, and smarter, to make friends out of potential enemies than to defend yourself against them later?在乱世,若能化敌为友,那不是比未来须要提防他们更便宜,更聪明吗?

9.Your ship is equipped with lasers and torpedos to help defend yourself, and scanners to assess the nearby threats and nearby sectors.你的飞船上装有激光炮以及鱼雷以协助自卫,并装有扫描器以对附近有威胁的目标以及附近星区进行扫描。

10.When scientist, Hans Selye introduced the "fight or fpght" theory, he described either fighting to defend yourself or fleeing to get away.科学家HansSelye推出了他的“战斗或逃跑”理论他认为要么战斗保卫自己要么逃跑脱身。