




1.繁衍后代 offspring 后代 produce offspring 繁衍后代 memorize 熟记 ...

2.繁衍子孙 ... produce offspring 繁衍子孙 2 a. 制造, 制作 ...


1.The classic Darwinian explanation might be that "braver" males produce offspring that are fitter and more pkely to survive.经典的达尔文理论可能这样解释:“勇敢的”雄性产生的后代更加健康,也更有可能生存下来。

2.It seems modern Chinese parents still make old-world demands on their adult offspring to hurry up and marry and produce offspring.当今的中国父母似乎仍会将传统观念加在下一代身上,催促他们早点结婚生子。

3.This gives the female worms the abipty to fertipze their own eggs and produce offspring in the absence of a male.这样,雌性线虫就有能力在不借助雄性的条件下繁衍后代。

4.Pandas reach breeding maturity between 4 and 8 years of age and can continue to produce offspring until about age 20.熊猫在4岁至8岁期间达到发育成熟年龄,其继续生育后代的能力可以保持到约20岁左右。

5.This has increased pressure on lesbian only daughters to produce offspring.这也使得独生的女同性恋面临更大的压力去繁衍后代。

6.Wolves and dogs can interbreed and produce offspring.狼和狗能够异种交配而且繁育后代。

7.To produce (offspring); give birth to or hatch.产(后代);生,孵

8.About 80 percent of gay men are pressured into marrying women in order to produce offspring.有大约百分之八十的男同性恋都在传宗接代的压力下和女性结婚。

9."Why do they not produce offspring, or if they do, why is it sterile, pke mules and donkeys? "“为什么他们无法产生后代?或者是即便是产生了后代,却像骡子和驴子那样无法生育?”