




1.B计划 《潮州家族》 The Teochew Family 《B计划Project B 《金枕头》 Golden Pillow ...

2.B计画 《潮州家族》 The Teochew Family 《B计画Project B 《金枕头》 Golden Pillow ...

3.项目B -Tick Chart -蜱图 Project B 项目B -Normal Chart -正规图 ...

4.传媒管理课程设计B MDM 01-5Project A 传媒管理课程设计A MDM 01-6Project B 传媒管理课程设计B CMMU 01-1 Theory of Communication 传 …


1.If he has FM access due to his Project A role he would be able to pubpsh packages based on Project B data as well.如果他由于项目A的需要有权访问FM,就也能够发布基于项目B数据的包。

2.As she unpacked her computer, she asked Assange how he was planning to delegate the work on Project B.她一边打开自己的电脑,一边问阿桑格打算怎么分配B项目的工作。

3.Project A and Project B can import Project C, and any changes to the build processes are only made to one file.项目A和项目B可以导入项目C,但是,对生成过程的任何更改都只能应用于一个文件。

4.Project B also has a Request of Type Problem, and its Work Configuration sets a rule to create Task of type Defect.项目B还拥有一个类型Problem的请求,并且他它的WorkConfiguration设定一个创建类型缺陷的任务的规则。

5.too many simultaneous projects (programmer has to stop work on project A to switch to project B).过多同时进行的项目(程序员必须放下项目A的工作,切换到项目B)。

6.B. Modify the apppcation settings by using the Visual Studio property page editor for the project. B.通过为项目中使用VisualStudio属性页编辑器修改应用程序设置。

7.A user who is a data modeller in Project A might be a simple consumer in Project B which means he can access Project B data.例如,一个用户在项目A中是数据建模师,而在项目B中只是消费者(即他可以访问项目B的数据)。

8.For example, when you copy a custom field Cost3 in Project A to Cost3 in Project B, you create an identical copy of the field.例如,在将项目A中的自定义域“成本3”复制到项目B中的“成本3”时,可创建与该域完全相同的副本。

9.QingDao PowerTrain plant Project B&U SOR青岛发动机工厂土建与公用工程设计技术要求