


美式发音: [ɪnˈdaɪtmənt] 英式发音: [ɪn'daɪtmənt]



复数:indictments  同义词反义词





1.[c][ususing]~ (of/on sb/sth)(制度、社会等的)衰败迹象,腐败迹象a sign that a system, society, etc. is very bad or very wrong

The poverty in our cities is a damning indictment of modern society.我们的城市中贫民的苦况是现代社会的一大败象。

2.[c]刑事起诉书;公诉书a written statement accusing sb of a crime

3.[u]控告;起诉the act of officially accusing sb of a crime

This led to his indictment on allegations of conspiracy.这件事最终使他被控犯有共谋罪。


n.1.something that shows how bad or wrong something is2.an official statement accusing someone of committing a serious crime, or the document with which this is done

1.控告 fight: 为(诉讼等)进行斗争 indictment: 控告 plea: 请求,恳求 ...

2.起诉 indict v 起诉,控诉 indictment n 起诉,控诉 abdicate v 放弃;退位 ...

3.起诉书 indicative pst 指导性名单 indictment 起诉书 indirect evidence 间接证据 ...

4.起诉状 企业重组 corporate restructure 起诉状 information;indictment 取消律师资格 disbar ...

5.公诉书 三、治安法院移送刑事法院审理( Committal for Trial) 一、公诉书( Indictment) 五、量刑( Sentenci…

6.告发 indict v. 控告,指控 indictment n. 控告(书),告发,检控 information n. 通知;报告;资料;消息;信息;知识; …


1.I had an individual call to tell me that their child's name was in [an old] child abuse indictment.我曾接到一个电话,对方告诉我他们的孩子姓名出现在[一个陈旧的]儿童虐待控诉书中。

2.One expert who knows him from industry conferences said he did not come across as someone pkely to become caught up in an indictment.一位通过行业研讨会认识他的专家表示,他遭到控告并非偶然。

3.The indictment said a bomb was concealed in Abdulmutallab's clothing and was designed to allow him to detonate it at a time of his choosing.起诉书说,一颗炸弹被藏在阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布的衣服里,他可以选择时间引爆。

4.That's why we have, as I said, people under federal indictment and charges. It's a system that's got to be cleaned up.那就是为什么,如我所说,一些人遭到联邦起诉和控告。这是一个急需修整的系统。

5.Ideas should not be suppressed, but nor should they be worshipped. Kennan was right to call "Gulag" a powerful indictment of a regime.思想不应该被压制,也不应该被崇拜,凯南将“古拉格”成为对一个政体的强有力的控告也没错。

6.The paper that emerged was a remarkable indictment of the elaborate architecture that grew up over the decades since the Wall Street crash.随后出炉的文件,尖锐批评了华尔街崩盘后几十年来发展起来的复杂架构。

7.But a possible indictment is still months away, and until then, the Prime Minister appears determined to hang on to his job.但是,即使奥尔默特受到起诉,也将是几个月以后的事情。在受到起诉之前,看来奥尔默特决心继续担任总理。

8.The indictment, handed up in July, was unsealed upon his arrest on October 14 at Chicago's O'Hare Airport.美国检方7月呈交了对郁向东的起诉书,当郁10月14日在芝加哥机场被捕后,指控被正式启封。

9.The SPP has also raised the indictment against him, in addition to customers, he also found a lot of economic problems.检察院还对他提出了公诉,除了嫖娼外,还查出了他大量的经济问题。

10."It strikes me that what you've just said is the severest kind of an indictment of the whole business, then, " retorted Banneker.“这使我想到,你刚才说的是一个业务起诉中,最严重的一种,”班纳克反驳道。