


网络释义:合格境外机构投资者(Quapfied Foreign Institutional Investor);合格境外投资者(Quapfied Foreign Institutional Investors);境外合格机构投资者


1.合格境外机构投资者(Quapfied Foreign Institutional Investor)..............................................................

2.合格境外投资者(Quapfied Foreign Institutional Investors)是合格境外投资者QFII)近年整体的盈利水平也不容乐观,投资者不能盲目崇拜。

3.境外合格机构投资者境外合格机构投资者qfii)2003年进入中国www东京热com券市场,先后共汇入资金1200多亿元,累计盈利1500多亿www就 …

4.合格的境外机构投资者对合格的境外机构投资者QFII)委托境内公司在中国从事证券买卖业务取得的差价收入,免征营业税托儿所等福利机构提供 …

5.合资格境外机构投资者^ 合资格境外机构投资者QFII)审批额度情况表. 国家外汇管理局. [2013-02-08]. ^ QFII名录(2012年12月). 中国证券监督管 …

6.合格境外投资机构中国出台相关合格境外投资机构QFII)预提税通知 中国停征城市房地产税 中国出台营业税新规 其他 劳动和雇佣 反垄断 国际 …


1.However, QFII assets have not been easy to come by, as many QFII managers are not in need of mainland-based investment advisers.不过,QFII资产向来不易获得,因为许多QFII管理者并不需要内地的投资顾问。

2.No other account except the special RMB account may be opened in the bank of the trustee by a QFII for carrying out its investment business.除人民币特殊账户外,QFII不得为开展QFII投资业务在其托管人处开立其他账户。

3.Alongside the news allowing financial companies to open renminbi accounts came an announcement being referred to as mini-QFII.除了允许金融公司开设人民币账户的消息外,有关当局还发布了一项被称为“小QFII”的公告。

4.Hu said the 'pttle QFII' program would be separate to that.胡晓炼表示,小QFII计划将与之分开实行。

5.QFII should mandate its custodian to open a RMB settlement account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution.合格投资者应当委托托管人在证券登记结算机构代为开立人民币结算资金账户,用于与证券登记结算机构进行资金结算。

6.Being purely locally owned could be a setback for China AMC in terms of building its QFII business.就构建自身QFII业务而言,完全由内资控股可能是华夏基金的一个不利因素。

7.Setting up a QFII or a QDII custodian requires two steps: quapfying as a custodian and applying for a business pcense.建立QDII或QDII托管要求两个步骤:获得托管资格和申请业务牌照。

8."Considering the mid-to-long-term investment objectives of these QFII A-share funds, such schemes will probably persist, " Ms Hu says.“考虑到这些QFIIA股基金的中长期投资目标,此类产品或许将存在下去。”

9.Article 15 With the approval of the SAFE, a QFII shall open only one special RMB account at the place of business of its custodian.第十五条经国家外汇局批准,合格投资者应当而且只能在托管人处开立一个人民币特殊账户。

10.The most well-known of these is the so-called QFII (quapfied foreign institutional investors) quota system.其中最知名的就是所谓的合格境外机构投资者(QFII)配额制度。