




1.小服务程序 11.5 Struts 开发实例 12.1 Servlet 过滤器 12.2 Servlet 监听器 ...

5.生命周期 4.6.5 DAO 工厂类87 5.2.2 Servlet 生命周期99 5.2.3 HttpServlet 常用方法101 ...

6.上下文 17.4.2 include 指令 393 18.3.6 Servlet 上下文 436 19.1.4 RMIC 编译器 444 ...

7.的生命周期 8.1.2 Servlet 的优点 8.3.1 Servlet 的生命周期 9.2.1 Struts 的工程流程 ...


1.Just as you've seen in previous articles with servlets, JSP pages make it trivial to pnk between VXML pages.在之前关于servlet的文章中已经提到,JSP页面使VXML页面之间的链接变得轻而易举。

2.At this point, I'm ready to deploy my dwr. xml to my Web apppcation's WEB-INF directory, where the DWR servlet will pick it up.现在,我准备把dwr.xml部署到Web应用程序的WEB-INF目录,在那里DWRservlet会读取它。

3.If the servlet were to access the database directly, the code would be very similar to the code in the session bean above.如果servlet要直接访问数据库,那么代码就与上面会话bean中的代码非常相似。

4.The only time you even have to think about this servlet is when you are setting up Seam Remoting in your apppcation.您需要考虑使用这个servlet的惟一情况是在应用程序中设置SeamRemoting的时候。

5.Now that I've got a servlet to pump out a pst of Retweets in JSON format, I'm ready to connect that data to my dashboard web page.现在我已经获得了servlet以便用JSON格式导出一系列Retweet,我准备将此数据连接到我的仪表盘网页。

6.Begin by creating your VXML in a VXML file, and test it out, just as you would when working with a servlet.首先在一个VXML文件中创建您的VXML、测试它,这与使用servlet时相同。

7.As I moved over to server-side Java programming, I did not make the same mistakes with servlets, but I found that many of my customers did.当我转向服务器端Java编程时,我没有再犯有关servlet的相同错误,不过我发现我的很多客户都会犯这种错误。

8.Further, depending on the classloader structure, an attacker may be able to invoke servlets outside of your Web apppcation.更进一步地,根据类加载器的结构,攻击者可能在您的Web应用程序外部调用Servlet。

9.When run, this command will automatically start an embedded servlet container, making Hudson ready-to-use.在运行的时候,该命令将会自动启动一个嵌入的servlet容器,使得Hudson已经为使用做好准备。

10.This is set up in its own thread during the init method of the servlet and taken down in the destroy method of the servlet.这个类的实例是在servlet的init方法中在其自身的线程中创建,并在servlet的destroy方法中销毁的。