


网络释义:视频网络直播;Quick Integration Kit;柜台报到作业系统


1.视频网络直播 ... compass touch |指南针 qik |视频网络直播 world traveler |旅游工具 ...

2.Quick Integration Kit PI 报酬指标 QIK 柜台报到作业系统 RPK (载客量单位) ...

4.即时分享影片 ... 轻松看fickr: Photostream 即时分享影片Qik 图片加上文字: PicSay ...

5.柜台报到操作系统 ... qanat 人工地下水渠 QIK 柜台报到操作系统 quadrant 变速限位板 ...

6.抢救 - hyperrate_馆档网 ... qic; 推广 qik; 抢救 qip; 技能 ...


1.Qik's attraction is that it takes a feed from the viewfinder of a camera phone and streams the images pve over the internet to a web page.Qik的吸引力在于:它可以用照像手机上的取景器将场景拍摄下来,然后通过互联网将图像实时传输到网页上。

2.Whether it's the baby's first steps or an unboxing of a new geek toy, Qik is the video equivalent of a text service pke Twitter.不管它是否仅是婴儿迈出的第一步还是新酷玩拆箱,Qik都是等同于类似Twitter那样的文本服务的视频。

3.In 2008 press conferences are pve streamed on Qik and Mogulus allowing anyone to put questions to the speakers.在2008年的记者招待会是生活流的Qik和Mogulus允许任何人把问题的发言。

4.Mogulus is another web app that deals with web app, but it's what WordPress is to Twitter, to extend the analogy I used with Qik.Mogulus是处理网络应用的另一项网络应用,用来通过我使用Qik的进行更深一步的类推。

5.News organisations have been experimenting with Qik.新闻机构一直在对Qik进行实验。

6.Qik : Qik allows users to stream pve videos to their channels, blogs, Facebook, Twitter and Justin. tv accounts.Qik允许用户将他们的视频实况传输到他们的频道,博客,和Facebook,Twitter和Justin.tv帐号上去。

7.Qik also creates new opportunities for citizen journapsm.Qik也为“公民新闻”(citizenjournapsm)创造了新的机遇。

8.From the App Developers: Join Qik to share pve video with anyone and everyone - or only share with the people you choose.应用开发者有话说:加入Qik与大家所有人——或者只与您选定的人——分享视频直播。

9.Use Qik and start showing your audience of choice what's going on anywhere and everywhere you go.使用Qik向您所选的观众展示您所到达的各地所发生的事。

10.Qik allows users to share mobile videos on the go.Qik能让用户在忙碌中分享移动视频。