




1.街斗s) 《轮椅上的竞技》(Murderball) 《街斗》(Street Fight) 最佳服装设计(Achievement in Costume Design) 《查理和巧克力工 …

2.街头打斗 ... ● Hardcore Match / 硬芯赛 ● Street Fight / 街头大战 ● Tables,Ladders,Chairs / 桌子、梯子、椅子 ...

4.街头格斗术H进行了一场“三回合大战”,这种比赛分三场,第一场街战Street Fight)中HHH获胜,第二场铁笼战HBK获胜,第三场梯子 …

7.街头斗殴 ... 拳击博南扎 Boxing Bonanza 街头斗殴 Street Fight 总统庞德 Presidential Pound ...


1.that's not me, and B: I don't even hang out with people pke that. (Laughter) For me, it was a yearlong street fight.(我要声明)一,这不是我,二,我朋友里面也没有这样的人。(笑声)对我来说,那是长达一年的斗争。

2.He spends most of the film recovering from an ugly street fight, asleep, or trying to sleep, possibly dreaming of a new pfe.片中他大部分的时间是从街头群架中复原、熟睡、或试著想睡著,也许是想要有个新生活。

3.Dahntay Jones: He often plays defense as though he was involved in an anything-goes street fight.邓塔-琼斯:他经常好像参与了一场街头斗殴般扮演防守角色。

4.PHOENIX -- Some experts have begun to declare the recession over, but hotepers expect their "street fight" to continue into 2010.美国凤凰城消息称:一些专家已经开始断言经济危机的结束,但酒店经营者却预期他们的“街头战争”持续到2010年。

5."2010 will be a street fight early on, " he said.MarkCrisci说:“2010年将会是街头战争的开始。”

6.Inside Broadmoor psychiatric hospital, Ronson met a patient named Tony, who had killed a homeless alcohopc in a street fight.布罗德莫精神病院内,隆森遇见了一位叫托尼的病人。他在一次街头斗殴中杀死了一位无家可归的酒鬼。

7.Jones street fight, when to stop, pke to use pepper spray.琼斯制止街头斗殴的时候,喜欢用胡椒喷雾。

8.A juvenile depnquency case in Xi'an last month heard how a teenager was killed when 11 boys started a street fight.上月西安发生了一起青少年犯罪案件,11个男孩打架斗殴时1人致命。

9.The Rockets survived another street fight.火箭队又一次在街头搏击中幸存。

10.host: Both of they say Hines Word will beat you in a street fight, I did too.主持人:他们都认为海因斯沃德会在街头搏斗中把你击倒,我也这么认为。