




1.殷琦 殷琦 Qi Yin 英国皇家利物浦大学医院 Royal Liverpool University Hospital ...


1.Effect of supplementing qi-yin and promoting blood circulation on inhibition of non-enzymatic glycation in kidney of diabetic rats.益气养阴活血法对糖尿病大鼠肾组织非酶糖基化作用的影响。

2.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of YiqiTongbian Granule on middleaged constipation with Qi-Yin Deficiency Syndrome.目的:评价益气通便颗粒治疗气阴两虚证之中老年便秘的有效性与安全性。

3.Life must be rules to prevent fatigue Hao Shang Qi Yin, causing inflammation virtual fire.生活要有规律,以防劳累耗伤气阴,引起虚火上炎。

4.The concept and logical relation of viscera essence, qi, yin and yang are studied in this article.讨论各脏腑之精、气、阴、阳的概念及其逻辑关系。

5.This is onpne map of the address "Qi Yin Rui Quan Yang Guang Xiao Qu , Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, China" .这是地址“中国山东省淄博市临淄区齐银瑞泉阳光小区”匹配的在线电子地图。

6.Yin-yang in ancient Chinese philosophy originally meant two kinds of qi, yin was cold and yang was warm.中国古代哲学“阴阳”,本指“阴阳二气”,即两种寒暖不同的气;

7.Health ginseng use (such as fresh ginseng, Sun-dried ginseng) and cool, Qi, Yin, Sheng Jin, Yin Huo-wang, who is preferred.人参生用(如鲜人参、生晒参)性凉,补气、养阴、生津、阴虚火旺者宜用。

8.Analysis on Center Effect in Correlation between the Scores of Qi -Yin Deficiency Syndrome and Blood Sugar Level in Patients with Diabetes糖尿病气阴两虚证评分与血糖水平相关性及其中心差异分析

9.Deficient Pathogenesis of Five Zang Viscera on Essence qi- yin- yang and Its Correlative Questions五脏精气阴阳的虚性病机及几个相关问题

10.Cpnical Observation on Intervene Treatment of Low Glucose Tolerance with Syndrome of Qi-Yin Deficiency对气阴两虚型糖耐量低减患者干预治疗的临床观察