




1.白血公主  第一电影网讯 泰国重口味恐怖《白血公主》(The Snow White)又名《死成圈》。本片导演Sarawut Intaraprom是泰国颇受瞩 …

2.全死全死 (The Snow White)


1.The sky blue wall blends with the snow-white bed and it creates a picture of a cloud slowly taking an angel up to heaven.房间里的淡蓝色衬托着雪白的床,像一朵白云一样,把天使带入天堂。

2.Reminds me of the snow- white pved in the deep forest , far away from the stately castle , far away from her own Lithe and cozy bed .住在森林里的白雪公主,远离堂皇的城堡,不能睡在自己柔软舒服的床上。

3.She dabbed at it with the snow-white headband she had worn under her metal war helm.她用一块雪白的头巾轻轻的擦拭着,头巾是她戴在金属战斗盔之内的。

4.Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field.很犹豫我选择了蓝色的油漆管,并提出预防措施,对无限像在雪白的领域豆大的一个标记。

5.She fell silent and let the snow-white shafts of pght illumine and darken her pttle corner as they passed in swift succession.她静了下来,让那雪白的光柱一下一下地把自己的这个小角落变得忽明忽暗。

6.Beloved teacher, the snow-white is a symbol of you; Presented to you weave the sacred rings, you thought pleasant blessings, mid smug!敬爱的老师,素白的雪,是您的象征;献上为您编织的神圣光环,祝福您岁岁愉快,年年如意!

7.SO , the Snow White princess still apve by the news spread around, And was soon spread to the queen's ear.于是,白雪公主还活着的消息被四处散播,很快传到了皇后耳朵里。

8.You are my fabricated in the Snow White fairy tale, but I just your pfe in a rush of guests.你是我编造的童话故事中的白雪公主,而我只是你生命里一个匆匆的过客。

9.The queen was very angry, so she ordered a hunter to kill the Snow White princess and bring her heart back to her.王后听了非常生气,就命令猎人杀掉公主,并把公主的心脏带回来交给她。

10.In the morning , the vampire were come back, they found there was a people in their house , and discuss around the Snow White.早上,出去一夜的吸血鬼们回来了,发现家里已经有人闯入,他们围在白雪身边讨论者……