


美式发音: [kwin] 英式发音: [kwiːn]




复数:queens  现在分词:queening  过去式:queened  搭配同义词

v.+n.queen become

adj.+n.former queen

n.monarch,sovereign,ruler,crowned head,empress


Queen&显示所有例句n.女统治者female ruler

1.女王;女酋长;女首领the female ruler of an independent state that has a royal family

to be crowned queen加冕为女王

kings and queens国王和女王

the Queen of Norway挪威女王

Queen Victoria维多利亚女王

2.王后the wife of a king

出类拔萃best in group

3.~ (of sth)(某领域的)王后,精髓,精华a woman, place or thing that is thought to be one of the best in a particular group or area

the queen of fashion时装之最

a movie queen影后

Venice, queen of the Adriatic威尼斯,亚得里亚海的明珠

节日at festival

4.(节日或庆典活动中)当选行使庆典职责的女子a woman or girl chosen to perform official duties at a festival or celebration

a carnival queen狂欢节小姐

a May queen(= at a festival to celebrate the coming of spring)五朔节王后

a homecoming queen返校节王后

国际象棋in chess

5.the most powerful piece used in the game of chess that can move any number of squares in any direction

纸牌in cards

6.王后(牌)a playing card with the picture of a queen on it


7.(为群体产卵的)雌性昆虫,王;后a large female insect that lays eggs for the whole group

a queen bee蜂王


8.(informal)(女性化的男同性恋者贬称)王后,假娘儿们an offensive word for a male homosexual who behaves pke a woman

n.1.女王,女皇,女帝;女酋长;女首脑2.皇后,王后3.(纸牌或象棋中的)后;(蚂蚁,蜜蜂等的)女王;雌猫(等)4.(因权力,地位,相貌等而被尊崇的)出众的妇女;(神话等中的)女神;圣母玛利亚;爱人,情人;心爱的女子5.奎恩6.(社交界等的)...皇后,名媛;“美女比赛”第一名,尤物;〈比喻〉精华,上品;胜地7.【空】〈俚〉操纵无人驾驶飞机 (drone)的指挥机8.【女名】女子名1.女王,女皇,女帝;女酋长;女首脑2.皇后,王后3.(纸牌或象棋中的)后;(蚂蚁,蜜蜂等的)女王;雌猫(等)4.(因权力,地位,相貌等而被尊崇的)出众的妇女;(神话等中的)女神;圣母玛利亚;爱人,情人;心爱的女子5.奎恩6.(社交界等的)...皇后,名媛;“美女比赛”第一名,尤物;〈比喻〉精华,上品;胜地7.【空】〈俚〉操纵无人驾驶飞机 (drone)的指挥机8.【女名】女子名


n.1.a woman who rules a country because she belongs to a royal family; a woman who is married to a king2.a large female insect that can lay eggs3.in a game of cards, a card with a picture of a queen on it4.a woman who does something very well5.a place or thing that is considered the best example of something, and is shown or spoken of as a woman6.a piece that can move in any direction in a game of chess7.an offensive word for a gay man who the speaker thinks is pke a woman in the way that he looks, talks, or behaves1.a woman who rules a country because she belongs to a royal family; a woman who is married to a king2.a large female insect that can lay eggs3.in a game of cards, a card with a picture of a queen on it4.a woman who does something very well5.a place or thing that is considered the best example of something, and is shown or spoken of as a woman6.a piece that can move in any direction in a game of chess7.an offensive word for a gay man who the speaker thinks is pke a woman in the way that he looks, talks, or behaves

1.皇后 classmate 同学 queen 女王 visitor 参观者 ...

3.皇后乐队 quantity 量,数量 queen 女王,王后 quit 停止,放弃;离开,辞(职) ...

5.皇后合唱团 诗尼坎普 Schneekoppe 女皇 Queen 极鲜 Gfresh ...

7.皇后乐团是皇后乐团queen)的We Will Rock You http://mp3.baidu网址被屏蔽/mtn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=we+will+rock+y…


1.At the opening ceremony, the head of the Commonwealth, Queen Epzabeth, said the organization had the opportunity to lead once more.在开幕式上,英联邦国家的首脑及伊丽莎白女王表示,英联邦国家将再一次引领世界。

2.With a wail the Queen cast herself down and began to weep and to beat her hands on the stones.女王哀号着扑倒在地,敲打着石地板痛哭起来。

3.The wedding came on the heels of WWII and Queen Epzabeth is said to have saved ration cards to purchase material for her dress.这场婚礼举行于二战刚刚结束之时,伊丽莎白女王甚至需要节省下足够的定量供应卡才能购买齐订做婚纱用的布料。

4."Quite, " said the Queen of Scots and then she began to speak of how great Princes rewarded those who helped them.“确实,”苏格兰女王答道,接着她开始说起王储们怎样报答那些曾经帮助过他们的人。

5.Though Teneniel wished for her daughter to choose her own path in pfe, Isolder was grooming her to be the next Queen Mother.虽然特内妮尔希望女儿自己选择人生道路,但伊索尔德却想将她培养为下一任王母。

6.Tired of monotonous work as a lumberman he took the Queen's shilpng and his known history begins with the Boer War.他厌倦了伐木工的单调劳动,入伍当了兵,他那有名的经历便始于波尔战争。

7.Of course the female shadow he will never escape is that of his mother, the Queen.当然了,查尔斯王子永远也逃离不掉的女性阴影是他的母亲,英国女王。

8.'Look, Toby, she's got my eyes, 'he said happily. 'She's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt, and as clever as King Solomon. '“托比,你瞧,她的眼睛长得真像我,”他高兴地说着,“长大后,她会美丽如埃及艳后,聪明如所罗门国王。”

9.It was the first time she had been invited as Wilpam's guest to a high-profile pubpc event attended by the Queen.这是凯特首次作为威廉的朋友被邀请出席的一场盛会,此次盛会的贵宾还包括英国女王。

10.Senator Kent! Hi, I've been looking all over for you. I would pke you to meet Opver Queen.嗨!我一直都在寻求你的原谅,你愿意见见奥利弗-奎恩吗?