




1.我的宝贝 Way to go! 做的对 My treasure! 我的宝贝 You’re tops! 你是最棒的 ...

2.我的宝藏 ... Mon trésor | Or | My Treasure |我的宝藏 National Treasure 2004 |国家宝藏、惊天夺宝 ...

3.我的宝藏我的宝贝 绘画还是做爱作画与做爱 To Paint or Make Love 我的宝藏我的宝贝 My Treasure 极乐大餐饕餮之徒 饕餮大餐 La grande bouf…

4.我的珍宝 ... i treasure my leisure time1. 我很珍惜我的空闲时间 love me to death,my treasure1. 爱我至死,我的珍宝 ...

5.我的宝贝儿 ... spend blood and treasure 牺牲生命和财产 my treasure 我的宝贝儿(尤指孩子) v. 1. 珍爱,重视,储藏 ...

6.我的财宝按钮 ... 《徵求傀儡师》 In search of the puppeteer 《传家宝贝My Treasure 《下雨后》 After the rain…


1.My daughter -- the day we got it, I was tucking her in -- and I said, "Honey, you're my treasure. "我女儿——我们买到手这些乐高那天晚上,临睡前我给她把被子掖好——我说:“宝贝,你是我的宝贝。”

2.That wicked dwarf robbed me of all my treasure and put a spell on me so that I was changed into a bear.那个邪恶的小矮人抢去了我全部的财宝,还向我施了魔咒,把我变成了一只熊。

3.Thank you for your presents, it will be my treasure in all my pfe. The T-shirt which you have signed will also be treasured seriously.谢谢你们的礼物,他们将是我永远的宝藏,当然还有那件我让你们签过名的汗衫。

4.When I began to work, the mother's reminds, the mother's nagging, all became my treasure.当我开始参加工作时,母亲的叮咛,母亲的唠叨,都成了我的财富。

5.If ye be readin'this, it means that Ol' Captain Sanders is in a watery grave. So my treasure is yours now, ye jest need to follow the clues.如果有人读到此书,这意味着桑德上尉已经葬身大海,所以我的财富就是你的了,你只需追着线索去寻找。

6.I should feel safer when I was on the ship, and my treasure with me.接下来我会带着两箱宝贝坐船,继续我的旅程。这应该安全点了。

7.(depghted, excited)Yes, it's the gold watch, my treasure. Look at it, it's nice.(高兴的,激动的)是的,就是一块金表,是我的家传之宝,你看看吧,很不错的。

8.From this moment on, I am no longer single, nor alone, but with you, my treasure, my pfe and my reason of striving.从这一刻开始,我再也不是孑然一人,再也不会孤独寂寞。有你,和我在一起。

9.She admitted that she couldn't tell whether she'd continue the rural work, but one thing's for sure: "The experience will be my treasure. "她坦言自己也不清楚是否会继续在农村工作,但是有一点是可以肯定的:这段经历将是她的一笔财富。

10.My treasure, I entreat you, it is nothing of consequence, don't cry, you will anger your father.我的宝贝,求求你,不要紧的,别哭了,你父亲要生气的。