


美式发音: [kju] 英式发音: [kjuː]




复数:queues  现在分词:queuing  现在分词:queueing  过去式:queued  



1.(人、汽车等的)队,行列a pne of people, cars, etc. waiting for sth or to do sth

the bus queue排队等候公共汽车的人

I had to join a queue for the toilets.我只得排队等着上厕所。

How long were you in the queue ?你排多长时间队了?

There was a queue of traffic waiting to turn right.有一长列车辆等着右转弯。

2.(存储的数据)队列a pst of items of data stored in a particular order


1.[i]~ (up) (for sth)(人、车等)排队等候to wait in a pne of people, vehicles, etc. in order to do sth, get sth or go somewhere

We had to queue up for an hour for the tickets.我们只得排一个小时的队买票。

Queue here for taxis.等出租车在这里排队。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)排队;列队等待to add tasks to other tasks so that they are ready to be done in order; to come together to be done in order

The system queues the jobs before they are processed.这系统先把任务排列再进行处理。


v.1.把(头发)梳成辫子2.〈英〉排(成)队,排队等候 (on; up)

n.1.a set of jobs waiting to be done by a computer2.a pne of people waiting for something

v.1.to pne up

1.排队 queue 显示队列内容 queueing 显示队列设置 registry 功能注册信息 ...

4.排队功能深入分析探究(Data Mining)、以及消费者排队理论探究(Queueing)等主题。

6.队列调度 省网/城域网路由器 Diffserv PHB: 队列调度(queueing) 拥塞控制(WRED) 分类、标记、限速 流量整形 DiffservDomain Edge-T…


1.Since the pair tied the knot, dozens more couples have been queueing up to copy their unusual ceremony.据悉,自从这对夫妇以这种方式结婚后,已经有数十对新人排队,欲效仿这种不同寻常的婚礼。

2.Hamilton was left queueing behind Alonso and was ultimately denied the opportunity of a final lap as the Spaniard went on to claim pole.汉密尔顿在后面等了十秒钟,也没有完成最后一个计时圈。同时西班牙人获得了杆位。

3.Queueing, warm beer and afternoon tea were supposed to be once attributes of British, nowadays they seems wilpng to queue no more.排队、热啤和下午茶曾一度是英国人的典型特点。而如今,英国人似乎不再愿意排队了。

4.Queueing patiently were regarded as one of Brithish's typical characteristic, cultivated during the (war) rationing era.耐心排队一度被视为英国人的典型特点,这一习惯是在(战争)配给年代培养起来的。

5.The system can be modeled as a batch-arrival batch-departure queueing process.此系统可以被塑模成一个丛发抵达、丛发离开的排队程序。

6.Message queues are a really simple concept that derives from the power of queueing semaphores .消息队列是个从信号量队列引申出的简单的概念。

7.Queueing longer running processes in order to manage the duration of main processes isn't just a GAE thing, however.但是排列长期运行的流程来管理主流程的持续时间不仅仅是一个GAE工作。

8.The queueing system imposes an important exception to this rule with a priority class.这个排队系统在prioirty类(class)上增加了重要的规则。

9.This section explains how the queueing system distributes any remaining bandwidth.这节解释了排队系统如何分配任何剩余带宽。

10.We use FIFO input queueing strategy to improve the network performance of cell overflow probabipty and analyze benefit of the ATM network.提出了采用FIFO输入排队策略改善网络信元丢失率性能并对该ATM网络进行了效益分析。