




1.我的缪斯 ... 这都要归功于你 And it's all because of you. 我的缪斯 My Muse. 嗨 我是艾什莉 Hi. I'm Ashley. ...

2.随笔随谈 ... 个人分类:*伦敦札记* In London 个人分类:*随笔随谈My Muse 个人分类:*视觉创作* Vi…


1.But other days, I can dance with my Muse and forget about the vacuuming.而其他时间,我会暂时忘却凡事,与缪斯女神共舞。

2.Alack what poverty my muse brings forth.我的诗神的产品多贫乏可怜!

3.My Muse may be excused if she is silent henceforth.我的缪斯女神如果沉默了,她是情有可原的。

4.Are you to be my Muse, Rosapne?你会成为我灵感的源泉吗,罗莎琳。

5.You are beautiful, will you be my Muse? I will write poems for you!你真美,你能成为我灵感的源泉吗?我要为你写诗。

6.Nature's my muse and it's been my passion.自然是我的缪斯,也一直是我的激情所在。

7.I want to be a better writer and maybe my muse will provide the motivation.我希望成为一名更好的作者,也许我的沉思将为我提供动力。

8.The more I embrace my Muse every day, the better a person I become in all my imperfect, messy-housed, work-half-done humanity.每天与缪斯共舞的时间越长,这个生性不完美、邋遢、做事虎头蛇尾的我就日趋完善。

9.This is my wife Christi who is just, you know, my muse and my partner for eternity here.这是我妻子克里斯蒂,她是,我的创作灵感,我在此永远的伙伴。

10.You know you're my muse你是我的缪斯女神