




1.寂静之森 ... 10. Battle Of Kadesh 卡迭石战役 11. Sleep Now,Quiet Forest 安睡了,寂静之森 01. Surrender To The Sea 投向大海 ...

2.静谧之林 ... 绿野幽梦 Dream of the Green Field 157 静谧之林 Quiet Forest 167 春消息 The Message of Spring 17…

3.绿雅山庄别墅绿雅山庄别墅(Quiet Forest)是Sterpng lncome LLC推出的别墅,绿雅山庄凭借其单层的优势一直受到当地租客非常热烈的欢迎…


1.A lovely temple in a quiet forest for those who wished for a special place in which to commune with their God.一个可爱的寺庙坐落在一个安静的森林里。这是为虔诚的教徒准备的地方,在这里他们希望认真地与他们的神交流。

2.In a winter afternoon, along a quiet forest path, there was no one but two of us.冬日午后,幽静的树林小径,只有我们两个人。

3.They began pving together in the quiet forest as if they were husband and wife.在这个安静的森林里他们开始像夫妻那样生活。

4.Music begins as a quiet melody, which shows the twipght of the quiet forest.乐曲开始是一段恬静的旋律,表现了幽静的森林暮色。

5.The fire had down when villager come back. And it seem nothing happen for the very quiet forest.当村民们赶到的时候,大火已经扑灭了,整个树林静悄悄地,似乎一切从来没有发生过。

6.Be a quiet forest sister is good, but good health is more important.做个安静的林妹妹固然很好,但是身体健康更重要。

7.He was lost in the deep and quiet forest.他迷失在这幽深的山林里。

8.I want to sleep in quiet forest , but is a big city!我想睡在安静的森林,但它是一个大的城市!

9.when can I stay in your heart, the quiet forest心中那片森林何时能让我停留