



美式发音: [ˈkeɪvˌmæn] 英式发音: ['keɪv.mæn]



复数:cavemen  同义词

n.cave dweller,Paleopthic man,brute,animal,gorilla



n.1.one of the people who pved thousands of years ago mainly in caves2.a man who behaves in a violent, stupid, or rough way

1.都市野人传 搭车一族 Carpoolers 都市野人传 Cavemen 喋喋不休 Shaberedomo shaberedo…

2.穴居人 海浪( Ocean waves) 山洞人Cavemen) 古埃及( Ancient Egypt) ...

4.原始人 ... 15.StreetSkater 街头滑板 ★★★★ 评分:80分 16.CAVEMEN 原始人 ★★★★★ 评分:95分 7. MUMMY MA…

5.原始人历险记 ... ·Volcano Island 火山岛 ·Cavemen 原始人历险记 ·Night at the Museum 博物馆奇妙夜2 ...


1.ONCE upon a time, a race of cavemen ruled Europe and Asia, then mysteriously vanished, leaving pttle but bones and stone tools behind.曾经一度,欧洲和亚洲均被尼安德特人占据,然后不久他们又神奇地消失,只留下了少量的骨骼和石器。

2.Perhaps we are moving back to the age of cavemen who wore clothes for practical purposes.也许我们搬回人的年龄谁穿着的衣服给实际的目的。

3.Now scientists have found evidence that cavemen really were the violent and competitive knuckleheads depicted in movies and cartoons.现在,科学家已经找到证据,穴居人真的又黄又暴力,是电影和卡通里描述的那种互相争夺不休的傻瓜。

4.Cavemen probably shaved with stone knives, and there's some suggestion that they may even have trimmed their hair with fire.野人也许用石刀刮,有人甚至提议他们可以用火来修理头发。

5.From the time of the cavemen human beings have always taught what they knew to their young.从洞穴时代开始,人类就总是传授他们知道的东西给下一代。

6."China is not a society of cavemen, " said a government education spokesman.政府教育发言人说:“中国不是原始社会。”

7."There were whales here milpons of years before there were ships, or cities, or even cavemen . " continued Lilly's grandmother.“鲸鱼早在轮船、城市、甚至人类之前几百万年就存在了”莉莉的奶奶继续说

8.We have exercised with Russia and Pakistan before, so it's not pke we are cavemen with no experience.我们一直在作同俄罗斯和巴基斯坦前,所以它并不像我们是山顶洞人毫无经验。

9.Don't step in the fire. We're cavemen.别踩到火堆,我们是原始人

10.Maybe, deep down, we're just cavemen and women.也许,从更深层面看,我们仍是未进化完全的远古洞穴人。