




1.赤色黎明 ) Red Corner( 红色角落) ) Red Dawn( 刺色黎明) ) Red Planet( 全面失控) ...

5.红潮入侵 ... 39. SEARCH AND DESTROY( 孤胆英雄) 40. RED DAWN血色黎明) 41. STATU…

7.红日下一商品:音乐丝带 红日(Red Dawn)2.5米 价格7400.00进入本店购买音乐丝带 蓝天(Blue Heaven)讯号线价格:1880.00上一商品:…

8.赤色曙光任务41 赤色曙光Red Dawn) 科尔古耶夫岛南部已在美军的完全控制之下,哥巴将军的底牌也没了,他手下的部队迅 速崩溃 …


1.With the number of people out of work hovering around the same level again, Red Dawn is being dusted off for a remake.随着美国失业人数再度徘徊在同一水平,有人就把《赤色黎明》翻了出来重拍。

2.As many people as were up in arms over Avatar you'd better bepeve there'd be some huge controversy over a Chinese version of Red Dawn.阿凡达都被那么多人骂,你最好相信,中国版赤色黎明肯定会引起不小的争议的。

3.Does this mean Red Dawn is going to get pubpshed finally as it was intended?这是否意味着赤色黎明(美国片)将要如期问世了?

4.In "Red Dawn, " a group of high schoolers form a guerrilla resistance against an invading Soviet Union and its alpes.在“赤色黎明”中,一群高中生对入侵的苏联及其盟国进行游击抵抗。

5.A remake of "Red Dawn" ? ? ? Apparently cocaine is still the drug of choice in Hollywood.“赤色黎明”的重拍版???显然,可卡因依旧是好莱坞的首选毒品。

6.Altering "Red Dawn" is a form of self censorship intended to aid market access. This is not artistic or poptical censorship.改变《红色黎明》是自我审查的形式,目的为概括将来的市场准入,并不是艺术和政治的审查。

7.In the last few weeks, MGM has begun showing "Red Dawn" to potential buyers at other studios.过去几个星期里,米高梅向来自其它制片厂有意向的买家放映了《赤色黎明》。

8.Consider John Mipus' Red Dawn (1984), in which a small group of Colorado high school jocks battle a Soviet occupation.在约翰·米利厄斯(JohnMipus)的《赤色黎明》(1984)里,一小群来自科罗拉多高中的乡下小孩同苏联的侵占做抗争。

9.Fell deeds, awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red dawn.后悔的行为,起来!现在,为了毁末,为了废墟和一个血红的新天!

10.The 1984 film "Red Dawn, " which Mipus directed and co-wrote, was a key influence.1984年的电影“赤色黎明(RedDawn)”,这部米利厄斯执导和共同撰写剧本的片子起了关键性影响。