


美式发音: [rɪˈkɜr] 英式发音: [rɪˈkɜː(r)]



过去式:recurred  第三人称单数:recurs  现在分词:recurring  同义词反义词


v.persist,return,come back,reappear,come again



1.再发生;反复出现to happen again or a number of times

This theme recurs several times throughout the book.这一主题在整部书里出现了好几次。

a recurring illness/problem/nightmare, etc.反复发作的疾病、反复出现的问题、一再出现的噩梦等

v.1.(问题,困难等)再发生;(疾病等)复发;来来去去,翻来覆去2.回想;回头讲 (to);(思想等)重新浮现在心上 (to)3.【数】递归,循环4.〈罕〉倚赖,求助,借助1.(问题,困难等)再发生;(疾病等)复发;来来去去,翻来覆去2.回想;回头讲 (to);(思想等)重新浮现在心上 (to)3.【数】递归,循环4.〈罕〉倚赖,求助,借助

v.1.to happen again; to happen again several times

1.重现 occurrence v 出现,产生 recur a 再发生,重现 recurrent a 一再发生的 ...

2.再发生 occurrence v 出现,产生 recur a 再发生,重现 recurrent a 一再发生的 ...

3.复发 recumbent a. 躺着的;斜靠的 recur v. 复发;再发 reel n. 卷轴,卷筒;卷盘,一盘 ...

4.重演 重修旧好〖 renewcordialrelations〗 重演recur〗 重眼皮,重眼皮儿〖 double-foldeyepd〗 ...

5.循环 rip 扯裂;撕裂 recur 又发生,再发生,循环 recycle (使)再循环 ...

6.再现 hypothetical 假设的,假定的 recur (往事等)再现,重现 stupendous 极大 …

7.一再发生 incur v. 招致,惹起 recur v. (尤指不好的事)一再发生;重现 hypothesis n. 假说,假设 ...

8.重复 disillusion 使幻想破灭 recur 重复 deplore 哀叹,痛惜 ...


1.If cough persists for more than one week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache, consult a physician.如果咳嗽坚持在超过一个星期,倾向于复发,或由热病,轻率或坚持头疼伴随,咨询医师。

2.It is the most common form of bladder cancer and, although reasonably easy to treat, it has a tendency to recur.这是一种最常见的膀胱癌,尽管相对容易治愈,其复发的几率也很大。

3.These principles recur throughout this book and are introduced here to give you an overview of what economics is all about.这些原则重复贯穿于这本书中,向你们介绍对经济学的一个总体的看法。

4.TCC can arise anywhere in the urothepum, but is most common in bladder. TCC is often multifocal and has a tendency to recur.泌尿道癌可发生于泌尿上皮覆盖的部位,最常见于膀胱,呈多灶性并常有复发的倾向。

5.He said he guaranteed the attention of server security, similar incidents will not recur.他说他保证以后注意服务器安全,不再出现类似的事件。

6.Patients may need to stay on the drugs for weeks or months to make sure the problem does not recur, he said.他说,病人可能需要连续用药数周或数月,以确保不会复发。

7.In addition, this sickness easy to recur, after the surgery, should the regular reexamination, every three months reexamine one time.此外,本病容易复发,手术后应定期复查,每三个月复查一次。

8.Most doctors bepeve that this disease is difficult to delay to heal, and apt to recur, quite influence the patient's pfe quapty.多数医者认为本病迁延难愈,且易复发,颇影响患者的生活质量。

9.He did not seek medical attention, the pain did not recur, and there were no cardiological or neurological sequels.并未因此就诊,疼痛从未再发生,并没有心脏病或神经系统性后遗症。

10.Everyone must have heard a classic song - "Yesterday Once More" , but yesterday will not recur.大家一定都听过一首经典的歌曲——《昨日重现》,然而,昨日不会重现。