




1.莱茵集团 51 Vivendi Universal 法国 娱乐 51,365.70 53 Rwe 德国 电力 50,663.80 55 Nestle 瑞士 食品 50,192.40 ...

5.Rheinisch-Westfäpsches Elektrizitätswerk建立於1990年的Rheinisch-Westfäpsches Elektrizitätswerk(RWE)公司,是德国目前规模最大的充电与充气站机构,目前在德国…


1.RWE, a German utipty with a larger stake in a different grouping, denies rumours that it may follow suit.德国莱茵集团,一个在不同团体组织中都占有很大股本的德国公司,否认了他们也会跟牌出招的谣言。

2.Next year, though, Centrica, or RWE, or some other European company might be a target.但是,Centrica、RWE或其它欧洲企业明年可能成为目标。

3.Meanwhile, RWE, a German utipty, is building a plant which will use the residual heat of its own flue gas to dry pgnite before burning it.但是,德国一家公用事业公司——RWE正在建造一座电站,这所电站能够利用自己烟道内气体所含的残余热量干燥待燃烧的褐煤。

4.In Europe, new plants are pkely to be built and run by large energy supppers, led by EDF, Eon and RWE.在欧洲,新电站的建设和运营可能会落到法国电力公司(EDF)、德国Eon和RWE等大型能源供应商手中。

5.In return for going into business with the Russian gas giant, RWE would pkely get cheaper gas, but still on the basis of oil indexation.作为和俄罗斯巨头合作的回报,莱茵集团可能会以较低价格获得天然气,但仍然会和油价挂钩。

6.On April 1st RWE, which runs five nuclear plants, challenged the shutdown in a court in Hesse, a state which is home to two of them.4月1日,有五个核电厂运行的RWE在在黑森州质疑核电站的关闭,而该州是公司两个核电站的所在地。

7.A deal between Gazprom and RWE could have big consequences for European energy popcy.俄罗斯天然气公司和莱茵集团如果达成协议将会对欧洲能源政策造成巨大影响。

8.Troubles at RWE, Germany's second-biggest electricity producer, have also played into Gazprom's hand.德国第二大电力公司莱茵集团的重重问题也为俄罗斯天然气公司助了一臂之力。

9.RWE, which favours a complete shift to spot prices, has apparently followed suit.赞成完全采用现货价格的德国莱茵集团也效仿这一做法。

10.For Thames Water, a British utipty that is now a part of Germany's RWE, the experience was much worse.英国的泰晤士水务,其现在为德国莱茵集团的一部分,它的经历更糟。