




1.红旗 King Long( 金龙) Red Banner( 红旗) SAIC( 上汽) ...

2.红旗汽车红旗汽车Red Banner) [编辑] 红旗汽车简介 1958年9月28日,第一辆红旗检阅车装配完毕,当夜送往北京,向国庆节10周年 …


1.Man of the flowers fluttering in the air, the red banner of the tireless running.满把的鲜花在空中飞舞,鲜红的旗帜在不知疲倦地奔跑。

2.However, teachers with a low score of the essay exam red banner, a heavy blow to the hearts of boys young and pure.但是,老师一张打着红色低分的作文考卷,沉重地打击了男孩幼小而纯净的心灵。

3.A posted red banner informed the town of the arrival of a postal ship from either the north or the southern sea.通过张贴红色横幅向市民通报邮轮已经进港。当时的邮轮从南边或是从北边的海上进港。

4.Their finishing touch: a 10-foot red banner with "Itapan Food" written on it in giant, bright yellow Chinese characters.二人的点睛之笔乃是一条十英尺长的红色条幅,上书“意大利美食”五个巨大的烫金汉字。

5.His awards include the Red Banner of Labor, the Order for Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the 3rd Degree, and medals.弗拉基米尔•马索林海军大将获得的勋奖章包括:劳动红旗勋章,三级“在武装力量中为祖国服役”勋章。

6.A large group of people are gathered at the Xiamen municipal government buildings and want in. A large red banner has been pulled out.政府门口有大批人要进去,有一个大红横幅刚刚拿出来。

7.Once such displays carried images of workers, peasants and soldiers, united under the party's red banner.曾经,这些展出作品皆是工农兵三者团结在党的旗帜下的形象。

8.A red banner draped across its headquarters says new workers are needed.该公司总部仍张贴着招收新工人的红色横幅。

9.There, a red banner invites new students to enroll.在那里,一个红色的旗帜约请新来的学生被录取。

10.Members of the ultra-left poptburo sit under a big red banner.极左翼的政治局委员坐在一面巨大红旗之下。