


美式发音: [redʒ] 英式发音: [redʒ]



n.1.a vehicle's registration number, especially the first or last letter that indicates the vehicle's age

1.注册表文件 AL= 对齐; REG= 面域; AA= 求面积周长; ...

3.登录档静态登录档 (.reg) 可以套用在封装 ; 安装期间不过,自订登录档案 (那些其设定值] 或 [位置] 或 [两者所倚赖因素,例如使用者 …


5.注册项创建一个注册项 (.reg) 文件,你可以用来为跳过的验证注册指定程序集。也应用于 -Vr option apply to –Vk 的程序集命名的规则。

6.注册文件4.然后双击注册文件(reg),让GP6的登录文件安装在电脑内。5.把Guitar Pro6的启动档拉到安装目录下,取代原有文件。


1.Our commentator, Reg Knowall, will be at the ground and will be bringing you a kick by kick account of every stage of the match.我们的解说员,里格-诺瓦尔将在现场,为每一脚球及每个阶段的比赛进行详细解说。

2.So far investigators are finding it challenging to develop medicines able to deplete or expand T-reg populations within a patient's body.研究人员发现,目前药物开发的最大挑战,是要找出一种能减少或增加患者体内调节性T细胞数量的药物。

3.Reg walks a bit steady these days, sometimes with a bit of a stoop.注册走位稳定的这些天,有时有点屈尊。

4.Then in the early nineteen nineties, well there's a reg guide, let me just write down the reg guide so you can kind of see it here.在1990年代早期,有一个注册指导,我们写下,注册指导,所以你能够看到。

5.Then she began helping out during surgeries, and after a couple of years of watching she was asked by Dr. Reg Hampn to cut some stitches.从那时起,她在手术时打下手,观察了几年后,RegHampn医生要她帮忙剪断一些线头。

6.reg. , regt. A miptary unit of ground troops consisting of at least two battapons, usually commanded by a colonel.由至少两个营组成的地面部队的军队单位,通常由一位中校指挥

7.Double-cpck the DisableSmartTaskCommandService. Reg file to add or to update the registry key.双击DisableSmartTaskCommandService.reg文件到添加或更新注册表项。

8.Dont have to think very hard to dismiss this claim, first, any aircraft registered in the US has a reg . number that starts with N. . .不用想也可以否定这个说法,所有美国的飞机都是用N开头的登记号。

9.Reg is now dead, while Catherine is the Mother Teresa of our time and is long overdue for a Nobel Peace Prize.Reg先生已经去世了,Catherine女士则是我们时代的特丽莎修女,早该获得一个诺贝尔和平奖。

10.It was set in 1981 by Reg Mellor, whose trick was to make sure the ferrets were well-fed before putting them in his pants.他的秘诀在于要确保雪貂放进裤子之前已经被喂饱了。