




1.木村 17.井上(井上)( Inoue) 18.木村(木村)( Kimura) 19.林(林)( Hayashi) ...


4.木村固 名车壁纸 - 奥迪 Audi >> 日本偶像木村拓哉 (Kimura >> 大韩航空公司 korean ai…



1.When Kimura and the 19 ships of his convoy reappeared the next day he was just three hours from his destination, Lae.第二天,当木村的19艘舰船再次出现时,他们离莱城只有三小时的路程了。

2.Near this town's decimated waterfront, Shigenobu Kimura pushed thick sludge out the front door of his funeral home.就在东松岛市遭受重创的海边附近,木村重信(ShigenobuKimura)将厚厚的淤泥从他经营的殡仪馆前门拉出去。

3.All very satisfying, no doubt, but off-duty a mild-mannered Mr Kimura, a fixture of chat shows and opinion pages, admits to problems.毫无疑问,一切都令人满意,但为人温文尔雅,身兼谈话节目主持人和报刊评论撰稿人的木村先生承认存在问题。

4.Mr. Kimura says he, his wife, and two teenage children all take turns bathing in the same water, a common practice here.Kimura先生说,他、他太太以及两个十多岁的孩子会轮流用同一池热水泡澡,在这里大家都是这样做的。

5.Takuya Kimura, the group's unofficial heartthrob, until recently was the celebrity cast in the most number of TV commercials.该乐队的非正式歌手木村拓哉(TakuyaKimura)一直是日本绝大多数商业广告中的明星人物,直到最近这种情况才有所改变。

6.Background: Kimura disease is a rare form of chronic inflammatory disorder with unknown etiology.背景:木村氏症是一种罕见的慢性发炎疾病,目前它的病因还不清楚。

7.Mr. Kimura said at least two of the other presidents were dead.木村喜一说,其他社长至少有两人已经死亡。

8."Carriers have had everything their way, " Michito Kimura, senior market analyst at IDC, a research group, says.“运营商什么都要按自己的方式来,”调研公司IDC的高级市场分析师木村融人(MichitoKimura)表示。

9.However, other lymphopropferative diseases may present similar cpnical symptoms overlapped with Kimura's disease.然而,其他的淋巴增生性疾病也会与木材氏病有重叠的临床表现。

10.Energy-efficient apppances abound in the many corners of his cramped home.在Kimura狭小的家里,节能设备随处可见。