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un.1.city in Marne Department, Champagne-Ardenne Region, northeastern France. It is home to the 13th-century Cathedral of Notre Dame where the coronations of most of the French kings took place.

1.兰斯兰斯(reims)香槟是胜利与欢乐的象征,那清脆响亮的“波”声与溢出瓶子的丰富泡沫总是将喜庆场面带入高潮。浪漫热情的法国具 …

2.汉斯去汉斯(Reims)那里一定要先造访五星级的汉斯游客中心(Office De Tourismme)。那里是我们历次旅行中所见到本身就是具有历 …


4.兰斯市香槟首府兰斯市Reims)位于巴黎东北方的香槟一阿登(CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNES)区内。这个地区经济繁荣且富有,是 …

5.香槟区的兰斯From 香槟区的兰斯Reims) to 勃艮第的第戎(Dijon) 乘火车的话需要3个多小时,比租车更节省时间(6点10分从兰斯出发 …

6.法国汉斯  法国汉斯Reims)大学社会学教授马克.勒瓦(Marc Leroy)所写的这本小书《关於税,你知道多少?》,基本上就是把租税 …


1.The young couple was conducted to their bed, which had been blessed by the Archbishop of Reims.那对新婚夫妇被带到前。那张事先获兰斯大主祝福。

2.Several more swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims and settled the disputed succession to the throne.一些更迅速的胜利使查理七世的加冕典礼在兰斯和解决有争议的王位继承人。

3.Confpct at Reims, London and a pestilence in Tuscany.兰斯、伦敦的冲突还有托斯卡纳的瘟疫

4.The new commander arrived at General Eisenhower 's headquarters at Reims to negotiate a surrender .新任总司令来到设在莱姆斯的艾森豪威尔的司令部接洽投降。

5.The major French Gothic cathedrals include those at Paris, Chartres, Reims, and Amiens.法国主要的哥特式大教堂包括位于巴黎,夏特尔,兰斯,以及亚眠等地的教堂。

6.Charles is taken to the Cathedral at Reims for his coronation.查尔斯带到大教堂为他加冕的兰斯。

7.The villagers of Reims have gathered in the Cathedral square to celebrate Giovanna's victory over the Engpsh army.兰斯村民们聚集在大教堂广场举行大型庆祝活动的英国军队焦万的胜利。

8.The peloton sprint towards the finish pne on stage four of the 2010 Tour de France from Cambrai to Reims on July 7, 2010 in Reims, France.从康布雷迈向舞台上对2010年环法自行车赛4终点线7月7日到2010年的兰斯在Reims,法国珀洛东冲刺。

9.The world mourned (Confpct at Reims, London).整个世界在哀悼(兰斯、伦敦的冲突)。

10.The peloton covers stage four July 7 in Reims, France.包括四个阶段的珀莱东7月在兰斯,法国7。