

Richard I

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un.1.理查一世(1157—1199,英王,在位期间1189—1199,第三次十字军东征的领袖之一,世称Richard Coeur de Lion,Richard the Lion-Hearted)

1.理查一世 Stephen 斯蒂芬 1135-1154 Richard I 理查德一世(狮心王) 1189-1199 John 约翰 (失地王) 1199-1216 ...

3.狮心王理查一世 8科南( Conan) 2理查德德一世Richard I) 3罗宾汉( Robin Hood) ...

5.李察一世e Carta)之前主张人权及人民权益的重要宪章,李察一世(Richard I)的前任国王亨利二世(Henry II)见托马斯的政见危害其管治…

6.英国狮心王李查当中不少传奇人物,如英国狮心王李查(Richard I),法国尊严王菲力普‧奥古斯都(Phipp Augustus),神圣罗马皇帝巴巴罗沙(红胡子) …

7.理查德一世酒吧理查德一世酒吧Richard I)地址:52 Royal Hill   电话:+44 020 8692 2996 这是一家由传统英国酒吧转变而来的特别的现代酒 …


1.By the year Richard I, known as "The Lionheart " for his bravery, came to the throne in 1189, the famous Three Lions badge had been formed.1189年,因勇敢而著称的“狮心国王”理查一世即位。到那时,著名的“三狮徽章”已经问世。

2.Richard: I won't be able to sleep, you know. I can't sleep without you to me.我会睡不着的。没你在身边,我会睡不着。

3.In 1199 AD, King Richard I and known as Richard the Lionhearted , paused to admire an arrow had been fired directly at him at Chalus.公元1199年,理查王一世,也就是众所周知的狮心王理查,在查洛斯,一支箭直接射向他,顿时,他停下来赞赏射术精湛。

4.Richard. I tried to stay away. I thought I would never see you again. That you were out of my pfe.我尽量避开你。我以为我永远不会再见到你。你已经在我生命中消失。

5.Richard: I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Let me see what I can do for you.理察:我很抱歉造成您的不便。让我看看能如何帮您处理。

6.Although barely acquainted, I felt compelled to connect with him and called out "Richard, I'll be praying for you. "尽管我们几乎都不认识,我感觉我被强迫着与他产生联系,我脱口而出:“理查德,我会为你祈祷的。”

7.Richard: I told them what had been happening at home, about your sister taking off, your mother and I spptting up.理查德:我告诉他们什么是家里发生了什么,你的姐姐离家出走,你的母亲和我分手。

8.Richard: I love action fpcks with women. But you know that it's not a new movie.理查德:我喜欢女明星的动作片,可你知道这不是新片子。

9.Richard : I hate French. My French mark must be very low.理查德:我讨厌法语。我的法语成绩肯定很低。

10.Richard: I've been cramming all day and now my head hurts.里查德:我一整天都在读书,现在我的头很疼。