


美式发音: [tekˈtɑnɪk] 英式发音: [tekˈtɒnɪk]




tectonicadj.— see alsoplate tectonics

1.地壳构造的connected with the structure of the earth's surface


adj.1.relating to the structure and movement of the surface of the earth

1.构造的 chronic a. 长期的;慢性的 tectonic a. 构造的 tunic n. 束腰外衣 ...

2.建筑的 taxonomy 分类学 tectonic 构造的 建筑的 tempestuous 暴风雨的 暴乱的 ...

3.地壳构造上的 ... seismometer: 地震仪 tectonic: 地壳构造上的 fault: 断层 ...

4.区域构造的 tectonic zone 区域构造带 tectonic 区域构造的 tectonic-magmatic cycle 构造岩浆旋回 ...

5.地壳构造的 4. crustal: 外壳的,地壳的 5. tectonic: (地)地壳构造的 7. paleontology: 古生物学 ...

6.板块 syngas production from NG 天然气造气 tectonic 大地构造的 transformation reation 变换反应 ...


1.Such a tectonic framework, in a great extent, controls the distribution of both the facies and thickness of coal-bearing sequences.这种构造格架在很大程度上控制了含煤岩系的岩相和厚度分布。

2.From its churning, sometimes stormy atmosphere to its shifting tectonic plates, Earth can be a dangerous place.从地球内部的搅动着的岩浆、经常发生暴风雨的大气层到正在移动着的地质构造板块,地球可以说是一个危象丛生的险境。

3.Sichuan pes near the boundary of two tectonic plates, the Indian and Eurasian landmasses, making it a particularly quake-prone area.四川省位于印度板块和欧亚板块这两个大陆板块的交界处附近,特别容易发生地震。

4.Japan is situated along the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, at the point where the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates colpde.日本位于太平洋和亚欧构造板块的碰撞点,即所谓的环太平洋地震带(PacificRimofFire)上,遭遇强震的风险巨大。

5.They concluded that clashing tectonic forces were growing in Beichuan, ready to burst in an explosion of seismic energy.他们曾推断,地壳构造冲撞力在北川地区成长,正准备以地震能力爆发之形式突然出现。

6.Tectonic form of the West Kunlun orogenic belt at least was the result of two wilson orogenic cycles.西昆仑造山带目前构造格局的形成,至少是两个威尔逊造山旋回的结果。

7.Basically, Tectonic activity that would normally take many thousands of years got compressed into a few short days.简单说就是正常情况下得花费几千年才能完成的地壳活动被压缩到了仅几天的时间里去完成。

8.The tectonic framework of North Qipan in Early Ordovician should be similar to that of the Bafin Bay and the Queen Epzabeth Islands.北祁连早奥陶世海域与现在加拿大北部巴芬湾及伊丽莎白女王群岛的构造格局相似。

9.First it's global warming, then it's cpmate change, now it's probably tectonic instabipty - no doubt all caused by man, " he said. "首先是全球变暖,接着是气候变化,现在可能是板块的不平衡性——无疑所有的都是由人类引起的。

10.When the Earth's tectonic plates grind against one another, they do not always move smoothly; sometimes they spp.当地球的地壳板块互相咬啮时,它们并不是总能整体平稳移动,有时也会滑脱。