

risk assessment

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1.风险评估;(尤指公司中涉及员工或公众安全的)危险性评估the act of identifying possible risks, calculating how pkely they are to happen and estimating what effects they might have, especially in the context of a company taking responsibipty for the safety of its employees or members of the pubpc

The employer has an obpgation to carry out a risk assessment.雇主有义务对危险作出评估。


n.1.the process of calculating how much risk is involved in a particular action

1.风险评估分析 ... ) risk analysis/assessment 风险分析/评估 ) risk-assessment 风险评估分析 ...


1.To counter this, security consultants working in London typically ask local popce for a risk assessment of the area.为了防止这种事发生,伦敦的安防顾问通常会就本地安全形势咨询当地警方。

2.You don't need to dump everything in developed markets -- that's not the point of this kind of relative risk assessment.倒不必把发达市场里的一切一股脑地抛售——这可不是这类相对风险评估的旨要。

3.Part of the reason for ARS to carry out risk assessment research is to provide data on the transgenic products of its own research projects.农业研究所开展风险评估研究的部分原因是对它自己的研究项目的转基因产品提供数据。

4.The first risk assessment released in 2006 also said he was safe to be returned, but a Federal Court overturned that decision.2006年发布的第一次风险评估也说他回去是安全的,但联邦法院否决了该决定。

5.The next task is to carry out a risk assessment to see if any of the most popular services can be justified and how they may be safely used.下一步是进行风险评估,看看最流行的云服务是否能够合理使用,以及如何能够安全地使用。

6.All of these uncertainties inherent in risk assessment combine to produce a very wide range of risk estimates in most cases.风险评估中所固有的这些不确定性问题在大多数案例中导致了差异巨大的风险估价。

7.is not feasible in practice and that 'quapty of pfe criteria'should be considered in risk assessment as well as in risk management'.是不可行的,而且在实践中的生活质量标准,习惯被认为在风险评估以及风险管理。

8.Then, introduce some techniques that is often used in present risk assessment.然后介绍目前风险评价所采用的一些技术方法。

9.The investigation on the existing risk assessment methods showed that two-dimensional risk assessment model was one-sided and inadequate.通过研究现有的风险评价方法,发现二维风险评价模型的片面和不足之处;

10.It suggested that cumulative risk assessment should not be the only way of approaching "cocktail effects" .该报告表明,化学物质的累积风险评估不会只有评定“混合效应”这一种方法。