


美式发音: [ˈwɪnzə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]a city in south Ontario, Canada2.[City]a city in Berkshire in south England3.[Family Name]the British royal family

1.温莎 Wilson 威尔逊 Windsor 温莎; 温泽 Winifred 威尼弗雷德 ...

6.温莎镇英国温莎镇Windsor)著名的贵族学校「伊顿公学」(Eton College),是许多英国王室、政经界菁英就读的学校,连威廉和 …

7.温莎结双结又称温莎结(windsor)是较传统的打法,结型稍大,适用於较薄材质的领带平结又称四手结(four in hand)是比较休闲的打法…



1.Or, to put it another way: Royal Air Force fpght peutenant Wilpam Windsor just provided bridegrooms everywhere with air cover.或者可以这样说:英国皇家空军上尉威廉•温莎(WilpamWindsor)给全世界所有新郎提供了借口和托辞。

2.Edward left Windsor Castle and got into a large black car. It was now midnight and it was just beginning to rain.爱德华离开温莎城堡,坐进一辆黑色大轿车。时值午夜,天下起了雨。

3.It should be fairly easy to adapt the code to Oran's approach or to any other dependency injection container, e. g. Castle Windsor.我们也能够容易地将该代码转化为Oran等使用其他依赖注入容器(例如CastleWindsor)的实现方法。

4.Up to 3, 000 houses a year were being built, luring buyers with models blessed with such names as the Monarch, the Savoy and the Windsor.当时每年新建多达3000栋房子;打着帝王之家、萨沃伊和温莎等名字,吸引着各路卖家。

5.Nowadays, Windsor Castle is often used by The Queen to host State Visits from overseas monarchs and presidents.现在,城堡经常被女王用来接待和宴请官方出访的海外君主和首脑。

6.Three of her ladies-in-waiting have attested that the Queen Mother did not hate the Duchess of Windsor.她的三位待侍夫人证明王太后并不憎恨温莎公爵夫人。

7.In a sense, the Queen, or Epzabeth Windsor as some choose to call her, is the last symbol of an old ascendancy that has gone forever.在某种意义上,女王或者可以称呼她伊丽莎白·温莎,是已一去不复返的古老统治时代的最终标记。

8.Examples: When 50 Elvis impersonators appeared all together at Windsor Palace, the queen observed that this was "altogether inappropriate. "当五十个猫王的模仿者齐聚温莎王宫,女王称之为“完全不适当”的举动。

9.Windsor Castle, the largest and oldest castle in the world, is one of the official residences of Her Majesty The Queen of Britain.温莎城堡是世界上最大、最古老的城堡,是英国最高权威者——女王的官邸之一。

10.The 32-year-old mechanic and ex-Marine from Windsor, Colo. , found a ranger at the Shoshone National Forest and informed him of the attack.这位来自科罗拉多州温莎市的32岁机械师、前美国海军陆战队队员,找到了肖松尼国家森林公园的一名护林员,并向他陈述了自己的遭遇。