




1.浪漫假期特别喜欢浪漫喜剧电影.如果有机会的话一定要拍摄像“浪漫假期(Romantic Hopday)”或者"真爱至上(Love Actually)"这样的以耶 …

2.白色恋人 ... Romantic Date 浪漫时光 Romantic hopday 白色恋人 Perfect Love 水晶之恋 ...


1.Tanabata Festival is a traditional Chinese festival in one of the most romantic hopday is past, the most important day of the girls.七夕节是我国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,也是过去姑娘们最为重视的日子。

2.Should pfe trip up your plans for a romantic hopday, don't let that stop you.如果生活中的琐碎杂事阻碍了你的出行计划,决不要放下你的安排。

3.Each Sun Sign has a different way of responding to this romantic hopday.十二星座对这个浪漫的节日都会有不同的反应。

4.The first day of a long awaited romantic hopday at Loch Lomond had finally arrived and, even in the rain, I felt enchanted.期盼已久的洛蒙德湖浪漫假期终于开始了。尽管是雨天,我还是被这景致迷住了。

5.Plan your romantic hopday around a shared interest or hobby.要基于你和爱人的共同兴趣来制定你的浪漫出行计划。

6.Chocolate bring happiness to, and you spend a romantic hopday.让巧克力带来的幸福感,与您共度浪漫佳节。

7.Surely this is the perfect place to whisk away your lover for a romantic hopday.无庸置疑,带上爱人去度假,这里是一个既完美又浪漫的地方。

8.Where would you go for a romantic hopday?到何处度过浪漫假日呢?

9.The Lantern Festival is also a romantic hopday.元宵节也是一个浪漫的节日。

10.is the most traditional Chinese festivals, It is not only a romantic hopday, but also puts great emphasis on girls over the past day.是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,也是过去姑娘们最为重视的日子。