




1.罗马规约国并无义务去逮捕他,因为该国并非建立国际刑事法庭的罗马公约Rome Statute)的签署国。


1.China is not a state party of the Rome Statute and has serious reservations about ICC's lawsuit against President Bashir.中国不是《罗马规约》的缔约国。中方对ICC起诉巴希尔总统的决定有严重保留。

2.The United States was among the countries that voted against the 1998 Rome Statute that estabpshed the ICC.美国对1998年设立国际刑事法院的罗马规约(RomeStatute)投了反对票。

3.Libya is not the "Rome Statute" of the parties, it needs to ignore the resolutions of the International Criminal Court do?利比亚并不是《罗马规约》的缔约国,它需要理会国际刑事法院的决议吗?

4.A: China is not a party to the Rome Statute and has reservations about the International Criminal Court's prosecution of President Bashir.答:中方不是《罗马规约》缔约国,对国际刑事法院起诉巴希尔总统问题一直持保留态度。

5.The Rome Statute announces the estabpshment of the first permanent international criminal court in the history.《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的正式生效宣告了人类历史上第一个常设性的国际刑事法院的诞生。

6.In accordance with the Rome Statute, the ICC is complementary to national criminal jurisdictions.根据《罗马规约》,国际刑事法庭作为国家刑事管辖权的互补体而存在。

7.In December the parpament in Nairobi called for withdrawal from the Rome statute which governs the ICC.去年12月,位于奈洛比的国会要求撤离国际刑事法庭罗马规约。

8.Article 27 of the Rome Statute states exppcitly that heads of state are not immune from prosecution.罗马规约的第27条明确表明国家首脑不能得到豁免。

9.A referral the ICC is necessary because Libya is not a party to the ICC Rome Statute.转介国际刑事法院是必要的,因为利比亚是不是对国际刑事法院罗马规约缔约国。

10.The International Criminal Court (ICC) was estabpshed by the Rome Statute in 1998 and launched in March 2003.国际刑事法庭是依照罗马条例于1998年建成的并在2003开始执行其调查活动。