


美式发音: [ˈsɜrt(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)t(ə)n]








pron.some,a number of,a few,several,selected



1.确实;确定;肯定that you can rely on to happen or to be true

The cpmbers face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful.救援行动如果今天不能成功,登山队员必死无疑。

It is certain that they will agree.他们一定会同意。

She looks certain to win an Oscar.看来奥斯卡金像奖非她莫属。

They are certain to agree.他们一定会同意。

If you want to be certain of getting a ticket, book now.要想有把握买到票,现在就得预订。

2.确信;确定;无疑firmly bepeving sth; having no doubts

She wasn't certain (that) he had seen her.她不敢肯定他见过她。

Are you absolutely certain about this?你对这事绝对确信无疑吗?

I'm not certain who was there.我无法确定谁当时在场。

To my certain knowledge he was somewhere else at the time(= I am sure about it) .我敢肯定他当时不在现场。

3.(不提及细节时用)某事,某人,某种used to mention a particular thing, person or group without giving any more details about it or them

For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to attend.由于某种个人原因,我将不能出席。

Certain people might disagree with this.某些人对这事可能不会赞同。

They refused to release their hostages unless certain conditions were met.除非某些条件得到满足,否则他们不会释放人质。

4.(与人名连用,表示说话者不识其人)某某,某位,一位叫…的used with a person's name to show that the speaker does not know the person

It was a certain Dr Davis who performed the operation.是一位叫戴维斯的医生做的手术。

5.轻微的;微小的;显而易见却难以描述的spght; noticeable, but difficult to describe

That's true, to a certain extent .在一定程度上的确如此。

I felt there was a certain coldness in her manner.我觉得她的态度有点冷淡。


I can't say for certain when we'll arrive.我说不准我们什么时候能到。

for certain肯定;确定;无疑without doubt

I can't say for certain when we'll arrive.我说不准我们什么时候能到。

I think there's a bus at 8 but you'd better call to make certain.好像 8 点有一班公共汽车,不过你最好打电话弄清楚。

make certain (that…)弄确实;弄清楚;弄明白to find out whether sth is definitely true

I think there's a bus at 8 but you'd better call to make certain.好像 8 点有一班公共汽车,不过你最好打电话弄清楚。

You'll have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time.你得快点出发,好确保准时到达那里。

make certain of sth/of doing sth确保(做某事)to do sth in order to be sure that sth else will happen

You'll have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time.你得快点出发,好确保准时到达那里。

The show appeals to an audience of a certain age.这个节目中年观众感兴趣。

of a certain age不算年轻的;年纪不轻的;中年的if you talk about a person beingof a certain age , you mean that they are no longer young but not yet old

The show appeals to an audience of a certain age.这个节目中年观众感兴趣。


1.(不提及人或事物的名称时用)某些used for talking about some members of a group of people or things without giving their names

Certain of those present were unwilpng to discuss the matter further.某些在场的人不愿意进一步讨论这个问题。

adj.1.某,某一;某种,某些;相当的,一定程度的;(某种)不好意思说出来的2.必然;有把握,确信 (of, that)3.(数量,日期等)已确定的;(证据等)确凿的,无疑的;(知识,技术等)正确的,可靠的


adj.1.having no doubts that something is true2.definitely going to happen; definitely true; definitely known

det.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to someone or something without being specific about exactly what or who they are; used for referring to someone or something without saying their name, when you know that the person you are talking to knows who or what you are referring to

1.确定的 Centrapzed 集中的 Certain 确定的 Certainty 确定性 ...

2.肯定的 ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼节 certain a. 确实的;肯定的 certainly ad. 一定,必定;当然 ...

3.一定的 century n. 世纪,百年;一百个 certain a. 某一个,一定的 champion n. 冠军,拥护者,勇士 ...

4.无疑的 nationapty n. 国籍;国家;部落;民族 certain adj. 确定的;无疑的;某(种) make fun of 取笑;嘲笑 ...

5.某些 offend 冒犯;得罪 certain 某些;某个 structure 结构;构造 ...

6.某个 offend 冒犯;得罪 certain 某些;某个 structure 结构;构造 ...


1.The only way of avoiding this problem would be if, for some reason, the stars did not shine before a certain time.唯一避免这种问题的办法是,因为某些原因,星体在一端时间以前是不发光的。

2.A PHP function that can output how much a user would need to donate to get a certain amount of GD.一个PHP函数,可以输出多少用户需要获得捐赠一定数额的GD。

3.Well, not until a certain git by the name of Lockhart took over as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, at any rate.呵呵,直到有天有个叫洛哈特的饭桶当了黑魔法防御术老师,情况就不同啦。

4.As the modern logistics develops to a certain stage, Logistics Park is beginning to be produced.物流园区是现代物流发展到一定阶段的产物。

5.This overseas experience can be extended by up to a year, allowing students to complete an MBA at certain academic partners.海外经历可以延长至一年,允许学生在学术伙伴处完成工商管理硕士学位。

6.Nutritional deficiencies do seem to be the cause of certain cases of low testosterone.营养不良看来确实是导致某些病例睾丸激素偏低的原因。

7.And then, pke every leader, they've got to have a certain sort of pizzaz that gets people excited.就像所有领导人,他们必须有能振奋人心的特质。

8.So, if you have recombination at a certain frequency, I can say exactly how much that helps or hurts the fitness of the population.因此,如果你获得一定水平的重组率,我可以准确得出它在多大程度上促进或损害人口的适应性。

9.After a certain number of points, the players changed round so that neither could benefit unduly from the wind or the position of the sun.达到一定比分后,运动员就互换场地,这样双方都不致由于风向和阳光的位置而独得优势。

10.Interestingly enough I also discovered what appeared to be uncensored internet available at a certain pbrary in Tehran.有趣的是,我发现德黑兰某些图书馆的计算机网络,并没有受到过滤审查的机制的影响。