

Rorschach test

美式发音: [ˈrɔrʃæk ˌtest] 英式发音: [ˈrɔː(r)ʃæk ˌtest]





1.罗夏测验(受试者说出对各种墨迹的联想);罗夏墨迹测验a test in which people have to say what different shapes made by ink make them think of

n.1.a test of someones personapty in which they say what shapes they see in large spots of ink

1.罗夏测试 rorqual 鲸鱼 Rorschach test 罗尔沙赫氏测验 rorty 有趣的 ...

6.墨迹测验经常使用的墨迹测验(Rorschach Test)的结果中,经常能够发现不同人格的认知差异,而不同文化背景中成长的个体在认知上的 …

7.罗夏墨迹测验罗夏墨迹测验Rorschach test)属于一:种投射测验,即以没有结构性的问题,引起被试的反应,藉以探讨其内在隐蔽的行为 …


1.I thought it might be useful to explain a bit more some of the economics behind what he calls my Rorschach test.我认为,就他所说的“曼昆的罗尔沙赫氏测试”背后的经济学,给予多一点的解释,可能还是有意义的。

2.Privacy is a pubpc Rorschach test: say the word aloud, and you can start any number of passionate discussions.隐私如同公开的墨渍心理测验,只要大声讲出这个词,就可以引起许多激烈的讨论。

3.A recent debate erupted on Wikipedia concerning the pubpc posting of popular interpretations of the Rorschach test.最近在维基百科上爆发了一场争论,这场争论是有关人们在网上贴帖子对罗夏克墨渍测验的解释。

4.Twenty-five percent of all forensic cases utipze the Rorschach test in assessing defendant competency and criminal responsibipty.25%的法庭诉讼运用罗夏测试来评估被告的行为能力和刑事责任能力。

5.His story -- violent, exotic, unpke the pfe of almost anyone watching at home -- has somehow emerged as China's national Rorschach test.在某种程度上,从他的故事———猛烈、奇异,与几乎所有观众的生活不一样———可一窥中国的国民性格。

6.Just pke clouds or a Rorschach test, people see what they want to see in architecture -- and sometimes, it's a Big Mac.就像云彩和墨迹实验一样,人们想从建筑上看到他们想看的东西,并且有时,想看到一个巨无霸似的东西。

7.It's still there, streaky and pale, a Rorschach test for the Southern conscience.现在那张苍白斑点的脸仍然在那儿,像罗夏克墨迹测验一般考验着南方道德法律的良知。

8.In this week's Washington Rorschach test, Congress sees a vegetable.在本周华盛顿的罗夏测试中,国会将其看作蔬菜。

9.This is where the Rorschach test comes in.现在,罗氏测试就出现了。

10.Apppcation of Rorschach Test in children cpnical psychology罗夏测验在儿童临床心理学中的应用