




1.维堡 Vulci 瓦尔西 Vyborg 维堡-选自现代卷 Wacassar 望加锡-选自近代卷 ...

4.维堡城堡m目前正兴建两条新天然气管,一条从俄罗斯波罗的海的维堡港Vyborg)通到德国北部格莱夫斯瓦德(Greifswald)的北溪 …


1.Well, he was worried about you. That you might be turning into some hideous upper East Vyborg.他只是担心你,担心你变成上东区可怕的机器人。

2.On the day, she and several members of a skydiving club came close to Vyborg Jutland, started skydiving trip.事发当天,她与一个跳伞俱乐部的多名成员来到日德兰半岛维堡附近,开始跳伞之旅。

3.Vladimir Putin, Russian prime minister, on Tuesday opened the tap to Nord Stream at a compressor station near Vyborg, north-west Russia.俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)周二在俄罗斯西北部维堡附近的压缩机站打开了北溪管道的注气阀门。

4.There, at Vyborg, we also had an unpleasant incident.当然我们在维堡也遭遇了一次未曾预料到的事故。

5.Two weeks ago, St. Petersburg Vyborg District, the street Raevsky a gym roof collapse also occurred in a similar, resulting in 2 injuries.两周前,圣彼得堡市维堡区拉耶夫斯基大街的一座体育馆房顶也发生了类似的坍塌,导致2人受伤。

6.Halonen in Helsinki station boarding, Putin is in the border town of Vyborg later in the car.哈洛宁在赫尔辛基站登车,普京则于晚些时候在边境城镇维堡上车。