




1.苦行记 Life on the Mississippi 密西西比河上的生活 Roughing It 艰苦岁月 Cross Creek 十字溪流 ...

3.淘金岁月 ... Innocents Abroad 傻子出国记 Roughing It 含辛茹苦 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆·索亚历 …

5.含莘如苦 Roughing It 含莘如苦 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Gilded Age 镀金时代 ...

6.过艰苦生活 ... roughing 粗加工粗糙 Roughing It 艰难岁月 roughing hob 粗切滚刀 ...


1.If you are a budget traveller & can hack it roughing it out then seeing past the hotel's faults would be a piece of cake.如果你是个经济型旅者,又懂得如何享受,那么欣赏一下酒店过往的历史将令你满足。

2.I enjoyed pving in a tent on hopday and roughing it for a change.我喜欢在度假时住在帐蓬里,过一种简单的生活,变换一下。

3.Yes, but what about the creature comforts? I have no Internet access and no cell phone service. This is what I call roughing it.是的,但能有什么物质享受呢?这里即不能上网又没有手机服务。在我看来,这里的条件很艰苦。

4.Experienced roughing it of hardship and whet , the walking gait of pfe just became more sonorous and forceful.经受了艰苦的摔打和磨砺,人生的步履才变得更加铿锵有力。

5.We can sleep on the beach. I don't mind roughing it for a night or two.我们可以在海边睡觉,我不介意凑合著睡个一两晚。

6.Roughing It, about his adventures in the Far West, contained some richly funny episodes.《苦行记》写的是他在美国极西部的经历,其中有些十分可笑的插曲。

7.Twain's next work kept Roughing It's focus on American society but focused more on the events of the day.吐温的下一作品《艰苦岁月》把焦点放在美国社会上。

8.ROUGHING IT is Twain's record--fact and impression--of those early years.吐温是粗俗的纪录-事实与印象-这些早年。

9.My days of roughing it in hostels or fleabag motels are over.在招待所和廉价汽车旅馆度假的日子已经过去了。

10.Because you are into conspicuous consumption and to you, a BMW 3-Series would constitute roughing it.到消费和你的宝马3系列将构成粗加工它。