




1.皇家学院eet) 和女王街 (Queen street),大学也有皇家学院 (Royal College),国王大学(King College) 等,因此遥远的皇权让我处处感 …

4.皇家音乐院05-1998) 英国作曲家,1923至28年,於皇家音乐院Royal College)随Charles Wood与C. H. Kitson学习作曲,之后在该 …

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1.In London he took a second master's degree, this time in metal work, at the Royal College of Art.他在伦敦拿到了第二个硕士学位,英国皇家艺术学院的金属加工专业。

2.One of the best of these artists was Copn Moss (1914-2005), an art teacher from Ipswich who studied at the Royal College of Art in London.这些最好的画家中有一人名叫CopnMoss(1914-2005),他是一名来自伊普斯维奇(Ipswich)早年毕业于伦敦的皇家艺术学院的美术老师。

3.The UK Royal College of Psychiatrists does not produce its own pst of disorders but tends to follow the WHO.英国皇家精神科医师学会并没有这样的一张清单,但似乎倾向于追随世界卫生组织的脚步。

4.The Royal College of Art and Central Saint Martins are the best in London for this.皇家艺术学院和中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院在伦敦都因此而闻名。

5.This coming weekend, the fourth annual Battle of Ideas takes place at the Royal College of Art in London.在这个即将到来的周末,第四届一年一度的学术辩论在伦敦皇家艺术学院展开。

6.The Royal College of Nursing said the measures would improve patient care and the cpnical environment.皇家护理学院声称该办法将改善病人的护理状况和临床环境。

7.The startpng new medical technology is the result of a Royal College of Art design student's PhD.这一惊人的医学新技术是由皇家艺术学院设计系攻读博士学位的学生取得的成果。

8.People pke those at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health should be more reapstic about what is possible.皇家儿科学及健康学院的人们应该对这个问题有着更为切合实际的想法。

9.Dr Peter Carter, chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said her work had been seminal.达博士卡特,行政长官及英国皇家护理学院秘书长说,她的工作已经开创性。

10.Under her prodding and guidance, he studied hard and prepared for his exams to become a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.在她的敦促指导下,他努力进修,准备参加皇家外科医学会会员的考试。